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And Denver told the story of the day, making much of her unflinching courage and nothing of her men's readiness to back whatever steps she decided upon. It was ten minutes past eleven when a smooth young, apple-cheeked lad in khaki presented himself before Helen Messiter with a bow never invented outside of West Point. "I am Lieutenant Beecher.

Don't y'u worry." "Miss Nora can come, too, if she likes," suggested he of the Shoshones. "Looks like we would have quite a party. Won't y'u join us, too, Miss Messiter, according to the original plan?" he said, extending an ironical invitation. "I think we had better cut it down to me alone. We'll not burden your hospitality, sir," said the sheepman. "No, sir, I'm in on this.

"Thank y'u, Miss Messiter, I believe I will. I called to thank y'u for your kindness to my cousin as well as to inquire about you. The word goes that y'u pulled my dear cousin back when death was reaching mighty strong for him. Of course I feel grateful to y'u. How is he getting along now?" "He's doing very well, I think." "That's ce'tainly good hearing," was his ironical response.

His gaze showed him the boyish foreman doubled up with laughter; also the sweep of a white skirt descending from the piazza. "Now, ain't that hoodooed luck?" the aggrieved rider of the Triangle Bar outfit demanded of himself, "I made my getaway about three shakes too soon, by gum!" Her foreman was in the throes of mirth when Helen Messiter reached him. "Include me in the joke," she suggested.

The famous Richard Messiter, an attorney, of Wincanton, came all the way from that place in a chaise as a witness; and John Ward, an attorney, of Marlborough, attended as another witness; so that this chap got out of the scrape at an expense to his father of about fifty pounds.

To this result his debonair manner contributed, though it carried with it no suggestion of weakness. To the girl who looked up and found him there he looked indescribably sinister. She half rose to her feet, dilated eyes fixed on him. "Good evenin'. I came to make sure y'u got safe home, Miss Messiter," he said.

"My dear cousin, y'u speak with such conviction that y'u almost persuade me. But of course if I'm a villain I've got to live up to my reputation. Haven't I, Miss Messiter?" "Wouldn't it be better to live it down?" she asked with a quietness that belied her terror. For there had been in his manner a threat, not against her but against the man whom her heart acknowledged as her lover. He laughed.

At the last moment Collins defaulted, his nerve completely gone. Since, however, he was a thrifty soul, he sold his place to Soapy for ten dollars, and proceeded to invest the proceeds in an immediate drunk. During the first ten minutes of supper Miss Messiter did not appear, and the two guardians who flanked her chair solicitously were the object of much badinage.

"Shake hands with Miss Messiter, Missou," was the formula, the name alone varying to suit the embarrassed gentlemen in leathers. Each of them in turn presented a huge hand, in which her little one disappeared for the time, and was sawed up and down in the air like a pump-handle.

"But, you see, I don't care to sell." "Then what in the world are you going to do with it?" "Run it." "But, my dear Miss Messiter, it isn't an automobile or any other kind of toy. You must remember that it takes a business head and a great deal of experience to make such an investment pay. I really think " "My school ends on the fourteenth of June. I'll get a substitute for the last two months.