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Miss Messiter clung to civilization enough, at least, to prefer that her chambermaid should be a woman rather than a Chinese. It did not suit her preconceived idea of the proper thing that Lee Ming should sweep floors, dust bric-a-brac, and make the beds. To see him slosh-sloshing around in his felt slippers made her homesick for Kalamazoo.

That lamp business was a signal, and I was too thick-haided to see it. My compliments to y'u, Miss Messiter." "Y'u are under arrest," announced his cousin. "Y'u don't say." His voice was full of sarcastic admiration. "And you done it with your little gun! My, what a wonder y'u are!" "Take your hand from the butt of that gun. Y'u better relieve him of it, Mac.

"No, I'll ride," he said at once. Helen Messiter had missed the meaning of that Marconied message that flashed between them. She set her jaw with decision. "Well, you'll not. It's perfectly ridiculous. I won't hear of such a thing." "Y'u seem right welcome. Hadn't y'u better stay, Ned?" murmured the outlaw, with smiling eyes that mocked. "Of course he had. He couldn't ride a mile not half a mile.

All day they rode, and that night camped a few miles from the Lazy D. Early next morning they hailed a solitary rider as he passed. The man turned out to be a cowman, with a small ranch not far from the one owned by Miss Messiter. "Hello, Henderson! y'u seen anything of Jim McWilliams and another fellow riding acrost this way?" asked Reddy. "Nope," answered the cowman promptly.

Governor Raleigh presents his compliments by me, Miss Messiter, and is very glad to be able to put at your service such forces as are needed to quiet the town." "You were in time?" she breathed. "With about five minutes to spare. I am having the prisoners brought here for the night if you do not object. In the morning I shall investigate the affair, and take such steps as are necessary.

"A man doesn't know what he's missing until he gets shot up and is brought to the Lazy D hospital, so as to let Miss Messiter exercise her Christian duty on him," he drawled, cheerfully, observing the sudden glow on her cheek brought by the reference to his unanswered question. He made the lounge in the big sunny window his headquarters.

Impudently the scoundrel sauntered up to the grand stand, bowed elaborately to Miss Messiter, and perched himself on the fence, where he might be the observed of all observers. It was curious, she thought, how his vanity walked hand in hand with so much power and force. He was really extraordinarily strong, but no debutante's self-sufficiency could have excelled his.

He had promised to send a messenger as soon as he had anything definite to tell, but she knew it would be like his cousin, too, to send her some triumphant word should he prove the victor in the struggle between them. So that every stranger she glimpsed brought to her a sudden beating of the heart. But it was not the nature of Helen Messiter to sit down and give herself up a prey to foreboding.

The girl became aware that her foreman was looking at her with a wary silent vigilance sinister in its intensity. "In short, you're like the rest of the people in this section. You're afraid." "Now y'u're shoutin', Miss Messiter. I sure am when it comes to shootin' off my mouth about Bannister." "And you, Mr. Morgan?"

Sothern," chuckled the cow-puncher, kicking his friends gayly under the table. "You can see I never sold HIM any, Miss Messiter," came back Soapy, sorrowfully. All this was Greek to the young lady from Kalamazoo. How was she to know that Mr.