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The marquis had adapted himself to the court requirements of the Empire. Noble gentleman of another period, he stalked a piteous masquerader where he had once been at home. Count de Chaumont grasped my arm and we hurried up the stairs after them. The end of a great and deep room was visible, and I had a glimpse, between heads and shoulders, of a woman standing in the light of many lusters.

We have no pledge to support either the mayor or Commissioner Gibson and we are only for the one who is doing the right thing in the right way. "'Gink' Cummings and men of his type we regard as a menace to Los Angeles against whom every effort should be made. If Gibson is a masquerader in league with Cummings he must be exposed.

Ah," she broke out with a sudden laugh, "I've made no secret of having done it for you!" She sank down on the sofa again, crouching among the festive ripples of her dress like a stricken masquerader; and the young man stood by the fireplace and continued to gaze at her without moving. "Good God," he groaned. "When I thought " "You thought?" "Ah, don't ask me what I thought!"

Indeed, but for the deep interest West already felt in the girl herself, he would have dismissed this angle of the problem entirely from consideration. It seemed far too melodramatic and improbable to be taken seriously, although, from mere curiosity, he purposed to round up this masquerader, and satisfy himself as to why she was thus publicly impersonating the girl.

"Ha!" exclaimed Borroughcliffe, grasping a pistol, with an air of great resolution, "the work thickens I had not included this man in my estimate of their numbers. Is he a Samson, that his single arm can change the face of things so suddenly! Down with your own weapon, you masquerader! or, at the report of this pistol, your body shall be made a target for twenty bullets."

The stranger was no disguised masquerader, but a veritable brave of the American forest. Of this there could be no doubt. No white man that ever lived could learn to give utterance to such an ejaculation. The yell had no sooner sounded than the barbarian's tomahawk leapt from its girdle. He sprang upon the luckless Turk, and twined his fingers in the poor wretch's hair.

That spring settled his fate with Miss Woodhull: No girl in Leslie Manor could have performed such a feat, and all the dancers were staring speechless. It was the ominous silence before the storm. "That masquerader is not a girl, Miss Bonnell! It is some boy! Who has perpetrated this outrage? Miss Baylis, order all the outer doors closed and guarded and a thorough search made.

Was it possible that Armida had been called by telegram to meet her husband, and recognizing the fraud perpetrated upon her threatened to disclose it and, for that reason, shared the same fate as the masquerader? This was the first theory that occurred to me; one which I believed to be the correct one. The motive was a mystery, yet the facts seemed to me plain enough.

Will you leave them to me?" She struggled to an erect position and stared at him. "I know you," she whispered fearlessly; "you are Jack o' Judgment." "Jack o' Judgment!" he laughed a little bitterly. "Yes, I am Jack o' Judgment." "Who are you?" she asked. "A living lie," he replied bitterly, "a masquerader, a mummer, a nobody."

'Well, let's have lunch, Woodhouse said at last. 'Then we can get away before the show breaks up. We drew Ollyett from the arms of the local reporter, crossed the Market Square to the Red Lion and found Sir Thomas's 'Mr. Masquerader' just sitting down to beer, beef and pickles. 'Ah! said he, in a large voice. 'Companions in misfortune. Won't you gentlemen join me? 'Delighted, said Woodhouse.