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Updated: August 5, 2024

They might have shown more humor; but there would have probably been more effrontery: they might have been more exuberant; they would certainly have been drunker. I did not notice a single masquerader unduly excited by liquor: there was not a word or motion from the lighter sex that could have been construed into an impropriety.

Perceiving that he was face to face with a disguised man, Juve was about to hurl himself on this masquerader, when that individual, forestalling the detective's movement, seized the initiative with lightning rapidity. He tore his hand from Juve's tenacious grip, bounded to the mantelpiece, threw down the lamp with a jerk of his elbow, thrust Juve violently aside, and rushed to the door.

"There goes the Hirondelle now, driving along out to sea with the whole gang," he murmured. "Now, by God, I am safe if this yellow masquerader only plays the man!" There was a hubbub of cackling voices, as on the night when the geese saved Rome!

Sir Thomas asked him if he expected the police to go to his home address at Jerusalem to find it for him; and the court roared. Nor did Sir Thomas approve of the man's name, but insisted on calling him 'Mr. Masquerader, and every time he did so, all his people shouted. Evidently this was their established auto-da-fé. 'He didn't summons me because I'm in the House, I suppose.

"That's the run around the left end!" throbbed Phin Drayne. But it wasn't. A fake kick, followed by a cyclonic impact at the right followed. "They've changed the signals!" gulped the guilty masquerader behind the black veil. "Then they've found out." With this came the next disheartening thought: "That's the reason, then, why the coach ordered me out of the field Thursday afternoon.

She gazed awhile at the overflowing of the fountain, giving a thought perhaps to the masquerader and his description of himself what time he was alone with her on the portico; presently she resumed: "One word more now, and I dismiss the brass plate.... I cannot blind myself, dear friend, to the condition of my kinsman's empire. It creeps in closer and closer to the walls of Constantinople.

"She will need an outfit," Miss Smithson went on, treading delicately, since in part she guessed the state of the Procter finances and she wished to be very sure before implicating Suzanna in any embarrassing situation, "including dancing slippers, though I may be able to rent the Indian costumes from a masquerader in the city, and then the cost will be lessened."

"It's no wider than than the Thames at Marlow. I was there last summer " "You stayed with Lady Marchant," broke in Starr, hastily. It was not the first time he had cut her short, and the little masquerader bristled under the treatment. "Oh yes; that was when you were painting my portrait, wasn't it?"

"Oh, if you only would, Miss, it would be so gratifying!" Kathleen laughed, a girlish bubbling of pure mirth, which was dreadful torment to the jealous masquerader. She departed, leaving the cook a prey to savage resolve. "Well," thought Eliza, "if the supper is bad enough I guess she'll just have to come down and help me.

I am not even what you imagine me to be. I am a fraud, a cheat, a masquerader. Know me! Why, if you did, instead of speaking words of love you would despise; instead of seeking, you would run away. Oh, let us end this farce forever; it is as painful to myself as to you. Promise me, Ned Winston, that you will return to Denver." She tantalized, tempted him even while she thus openly renounced.

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