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Updated: July 31, 2024

There was peace, too, in the very attitude leaning back, the head a little raised, the hands crossed, each folded round the other's wrist. Olive particularly noticed these hands. On the right was a marriage-ring which had outlasted two lives, mother and daughter; on the left, at the wedding-finger, was another, a hoop of gold with a single diamond.

It was not in his nature to be troublesome or inquisitive, but he could not fail to see that the lady wore no marriage-ring; and her deep sorrow, and perpetual tremor, seemed to indicate an unhappy creature, who had lost the protection of parents, without acquiring a legitimate right to that of a husband. He was therefore somewhat anxious when Mr.

He as much as told me so on the night that we went to the moonlight picnic on Staten Island, and the fortune-teller who told my fortune said when all of us bindery girls visited her one day 'I see a short journey for you, miss a dark young man and a marriage-ring;" and for the next ten minutes Dorothy capered around the room, dancing in such hoidenish, girlish glee that she would fairly have shocked the old housekeeper could she have seen her.

But what k was we never shall know, for Angelica, in a rage, cried, 'Get out, you saucy, rude creature! How dare you to remind me of your rudeness? As for your little trumpery twopenny ring, there, sir, there! And she flung it out of the window. 'It was my mother's marriage-ring, cried Giglio. 'I don't care whose marriage-ring it was, cries Angelica.

"But you forget, Jeanne Marie," said Simon, with a grin, "you forget that you lose your bet if you make the mark in your stocking." "I would rather lose all the bets that were ever made than not make the mark in my stocking," cried the knitter, grimly. "I would rather lose my wedding-dress and my marriage-ring than win this bet. Go up to the platform with the young wolf, and wait for me there.

"She is grown a big girl; she has curls on her head, and she wears a marriage-ring. Who is she married to?" Caius could not answer. The mother looked at him with curious steadfastness. "I thought perhaps she was married to you," she said.

Now, that is not a whim of mine: "And I will betroth thee unto Me forever; yea, I will betroth thee unto Me in righteousness, and in judgment, and in loving-kindness, and in mercies." Trouble may come upon the household, and the carpets may go, the pictures may go, the piano may go, everything else may go the last thing that goes is that marriage-ring, for it is considered sacred.

Ah! that struck her full. Oh, see! Geoffrey's ring has slipped from her wet hand, falling into the bottom of the boat. Can she regain it? she would die with that ring upon her finger it is her marriage-ring, wedding her through death to Geoffrey, upon the altar of the sea. She stoops! oh, what a shock of water at her breast! What was it what was it? Of once sown seed, who knoweth what the crop is?

For a divine table is the earth, and trembling with new creative dictums and dice-casts of the Gods: Oh, how could I not be ardent for Eternity, and for the marriage-ring of rings the ring of the return? Never yet have I found the woman by whom I should like to have children, unless it be this woman whom I love: for I love thee, O Eternity!

Ha! I have it! I have it!" A few years have passed, and he is only the wreck of a man. Seating himself at the game ere he throws the first card, he stakes the last relic of his wife, and the marriage-ring which sealed the solemn vows between them. The game is lost, and, staggering back in exhaustion, he dreams.

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