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Updated: August 23, 2024

Parents and other very near relatives are sometimes gratified with these productions, and cause them to be framed and hung up, as in the present instance. "I guess we won't go down jest yet," said Mrs. Crane, "as folks don't seem to have come." So she began a systematic inspection of the dressing-room and its conveniences. "Mahogany four-poster, come from the Jordans', I cal'late.

Deronda was reading a piece of rabbinical Hebrew under Ezra's correction and comment, and they took little notice when Lapidoth re-entered and took a seat somewhat in the background. His rambling eyes quickly alighted on the ring that sparkled on the bit of dark mahogany.

She smiled and went to the foot of the staircase, which had a mahogany stair rail carved exquisitely. "Grace," she called melodiously. "There are two people here who will take dinner. Will you show them into my room, so they can lay aside their wraps?" Without waiting for an answer, she motioned us to the staircase.

A good deal of it had come out of folks' attics in the first place." "I shall be glad to pay three hundred dollars for the mahogany bed and bureau," said Lydia. "And for the little white set " "I don't care to part with my furniture," said Fanny Dodge, her pretty round chin uplifted.

Our little party was given a small private dining room with massive antique furniture, and we were served with an excellent dinner by an obsequious waiter in full-dress suit and with immaculate linen. He cleared the table and left us for the evening with the apartment as a sitting room, and a mahogany desk by the fireside, well supplied with stationery, afforded amends for neglected letters.

The influence of the great days of the Roman empire and the mystery of ancient Egypt stirred Napoleon's imagination and formed his taste. Empire furniture was solid and heavy, with little or no carving, and much ornamentation of metal mounts. Mahogany was chiefly used, and some furniture was gilded or bronzed.

I sincerely wish I could sketch this man for you just as he came down through the fire-lit trees. He was about six feet tall, very leanly built, with a weather-beaten face of mahogany on which was superimposed a sweeping mustache and beetling eye-brows. These had originally been brown, but the sun had bleached them almost white in remarkable contrast to his complexion.

I forget just what important problem we was settlin'. But it must have been something weighty and serious. Millions at stake, most likely. Thousands anyway. Or it might have been when we should start the Saturday half-holidays. All I remember is that we was grouped around the big mahogany desk; Old Hickory in the middle chewin' away at the last three inches of a Cassadora; Mr.

Burr exercised mysterious functions, with tucks and frills and gimpings and pinkings and gaufferings, which it is beyond the powers of this story to describe accurately. One mishap had occurred with the furniture which did not come within the scope of Uncle Mo's skill to remedy. The treasured mahogany writing-table that had so faithfully accompanied old Mrs.

She wanted solitude, and she knew now what people meant when they talked of being in a dream. Under her hand the slim mahogany rail felt like the cold, firm hand of Francis Sales when, after their last dance together, he had led her on to the terrace again. They were alone there, for the wind was very cold, but for Henrietta it was part of the exquisite mantle in which she was wrapped.

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