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In a pinch, with a lot o' vessels loadin' here at the dock an' the skippers raisin' Cain because they wasn't gettin' their cargo fast enough, I've seen him work nights an' Sundays tallyin' with the best o' them. Believe me that boy can grade lumber." "An' I'll tell you somethin' else," Zeb Curry cut in.

So Chester leads him out to the curb and hails a taxi driver. 'Take him away, says Chester. 'He's been talking to me for hours and hours. Take him away. 'Yes, sir,'says the driver. 'Where to, sir, 'Oh, anywhere, says Chester. 'Take him to to Worcester. 'Right, says the driver, loadin' in his fare." "But but of course he didn't really take him all that distance?" puts in Betty.

"It's diffirint intirely from a Mexican piece, and not like our own nayther. It's a way he has in loadin' it." "Well what of that?" "Why, Raowl says one of them axed him who fired. Now, I heerd a shot, for my ear was close till the door here. It was beyant like; but I cud swear upon the blissed crass it was ayther the sargint's rifle or another as like it as two pays." "It is very strange!"

So as soon as the butler's through loadin' Purdy-Pell into the limousine I cross-examines Jarvis about young Mr. Hollister's motions. Yes, he'd shown up at the house both nights. It might have been late, perhaps quite late. Then this afternoon he'd 'phoned to have his evenin' clothes sent uptown by messenger. No, he couldn't remember the number, or the name of the hotel.

But I spozed the men wuz off to the wars fightin' and gittin' killed to satisfy some other man's ambition, or settlin' some other men's quarrels. Josiah sez, smilin' happily, "Wouldn't it look uneek to see Philury mowin' in our oat and wheat fields, and you and Sister Bobbett rakin' after and loadin' grain and runnin' the thrashin' machine?"

Now, if we could only get them to Pier 14 " "That would be a long way to roll 'em, sir," says I, "but it could be done. Loadin' 'em on a couple of army trucks would be easier, though. There's a Quartermaster's depot at the foot of Fifty-seventh Street, you know." "So there is," says he. "I'll call them up. Come in, will you, lieutenant and and join us at tea? You've earned it, I think."

I should be loadin' at Spoon Island by this time." "Perhaps a rest will do you good, Captain. A trip ashore once in a while will do you no harm. You have been shopping, I see? I didn't know your wife and Flo were with you on this trip. They were home when I left." "What makes ye think they're with me?" the captain somewhat sharply asked.

I has my deer to eat, not loadin' my pony with it when I starts, an' I peels some sugar-pines, like I sees Injuns, an' scrapes off the white skin next the trees, an' makes a pasty kind of bread of it, an' I'm all right. "'One mornin', jest before I gets out of meat, I sees trouble out in the snow.

Instantly the bright flash of his musket was seen, and the report, mingled with his cry of alarm, again brought out the guard. A volley revealed the three prisoners for a moment. "Dinna jump!" cried Black, as the bullets whizzed past their heads. "Ye'll brek yer legs. Tak' it easy. They're slow at loadin'; an' `the mair hurry the less speed!"

Elburtus had finished loadin' the salt, and now he wus a holdin' the horses for the man to load some spring-beds. And the horses wus skairt by 'em, and wuz jest a liftin' Elburtus right up offen his feet. Why, they pranced, and tore, and lifted him up, and switched him round, and then they'd set him down with a crash, and whinner.