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Updated: August 21, 2024

The edges of the jacket are brought as nearly together as possible along the centre of the man's back. Then a rope, on the principle of a shoe-lace, is run through the eyelets, and on the principle of a shoe-lacing the man is laced in the canvas. Only he is laced more severely than any person ever laces his shoe. They call it "cinching" in prison lingo.

It's a man as was kinder fond o' me, and we understood each other's lingo. That's it he was afraid of my 'earing things that mightn't be wholesome for me to know. The man hadn't done no harm. And Durnovo comes up and begins abusing 'im, and then he strikes 'im, and then he out with his revolver and shoots 'im down." Durnovo gave an ugly laugh.

And I'm not sure you won't think so too, when you see them as of course you will. You must go to the Governor's ball with me, even if you can't be bothered going anywhere else. It's a magnificent spectacle. And I get on pretty well among the Arabs, as I've learned to speak their lingo a bit. Not that I've worried. But nearly nine years is a long time."

And this we did, gliding up under her starboard quarter and alongside, and actually climbing in on deck over her low bulwarks before the alarm was raised. Then, from the neighbourhood of the wheel, there suddenly arose a muttered execration in French, followed by a sharp inquiry in the same language of, "Who goes there?" "British," I answered, in the inquirer's own lingo.

"Curse you and your Quaker lingo!" retorted Fox, his black eyes sparkling vindictively. "It wouldn't do thee any harm to turn Quaker thyself," suggested Luke. "I'll be bruised to death before the ride is over," growled the outlaw. "There is one way of saving you the discomfort of the ride." "What is that?" "I might shoot you through the head.

Once, when I was in Aleppo, I heard an old fellow in an Abraham beard telling a tale to a crowd of Moors. I had not enough of their lingo to know why they laughed, but one who was with me that had more Moorish told me the tale.

Hard as my lot is, to say the truth, I'd about as leave starve as live by speaking their d d lingo." "Shipwrecked a mariner starving and a Yankee!" "All that, and maybe more, too; though, by your leave, commodore, we'll drop the last title. I'm proud enough to call myself a Yankee, but my back is apt to get up when I hear an Englishman use the word.

“‘Do you remember that Bengali woman I kept at Mogul Serai when I was plate-layersays I. ‘A fat lot good she was to me. She taught me the lingo and one or two other things; but what happened? She ran away with the Station Master’s servant and half my month’s pay.

"Sit down, Jess," he said sharply, "and write a letter to Zip asking him, in your best lingo, to let you have your kid. An' when you done that I'll see he gets it, an' I'll see you get the kid. But make the letter good an' hot. Pile up the agony biz. I'll fix the rest." For a moment the woman looked into his face, now lit with such a cruel grin. Something in her heart gave her pause.

As well as I know it now I knew then in my inmost soul that I should summon Mrs. Effie before matters went farther. "Beer is all I know how to say," suggested Cousin Egbert. "Leave that to me," said his new friend masterfully. "Where's the boy? Here, boy! Veesky-soda! That's French for high-ball," he explained. "I've had to pick up a lot of their lingo." Cousin Egbert looked at him admiringly.

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