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Updated: August 15, 2024

"Do you know, Joe, that Billy Longbow had a monkey once as would " "Now for a yarn." "No, this is a born fact," persisted Sam Mason, stoutly. "Billy Longbow had a monkey on board ship as used to mock the bos'en, and one day when he see the bos'en take out his rattan to larrup one of the powder monkeys, Jocko went for to give the bos'en one for hisself."

Buck used to larrup yu about four times a day eight years ago." To their roars of laughter Hopalong dropped to the rear, where, red-faced and quiet, he bent his thoughts on how to get square. "We'll have a pleasant time corralling that gang," began Billy for the third time. "For heaven's sake get off that trail!" replied Lanky. "We aint goin' to hold 'em up. De-plomacy's th' game."

I nevah furgit de day dat my ol' Mas' Jack put me on 'June Boy, his black geldin', an' say to me, 'Si, says he, 'if you don' ride de tail offen Cunnel Scott's mare, "No Quit," I's gwine to larrup you twell you cain't set in de saddle no mo'. Hyah, hyah. My ol' Mas' was a mighty han' fu' a joke. I knowed he wan't gwine to do nuffin' to me. "Did I win?

"What, hide you down below, my kiddies!" said the man, laughing. "Why, he'll larrup the life out of you with a rope's-end when he finds you aboard. I tell you what, he a'most murdered the last stowaway we had coming out of Shields two years ago!" "Never mind that," I put in here; "we'll have to grin and bear it, and take monkey's allowance if he cuts up rough.

Whoa, darlin'! Bad cess to ye, ye roachbacked Prodestan' baste, kape off iv thim flower beds! Have yez no manners at all, at all? Be all th' saints in glory I'll larrup th' head off iv yez or I w'u'd if I wasn't afraid ye'd buck me onto the roof. Yez have me crippled intirely as ut is." "Not a word, for your life!" Wade whispered. "That's a star monologue!"

Fire!" cried Jennie Stone, who, when awakened suddenly, always remembered the dormitory fire at Briarwood Hall. "You little pest! I'll larrup ye good! I'll give ye your nevergitovers!" sputtered the hotel housekeeper. But the affrighted Bella wriggled away from her aunt's bony grasp.

Then I seen him lean over an' larrup the hoss with the ends of the lines fer all he was wuth. It appeared he hadn't no whip, an' it wouldn't done him no good if he'd had. Wa'al, sir, rain or no rain, I jest pulled up to watch him. He'd larrup a spell, an' then he'd set back; an' then he'd lean over an' try it agin, harder'n ever.

You did larrup him, and give it him well, and it strikes me as his father'll give him the rope's-end as well, as soon as he sees him for going back home with such a face as he's got on his front. My word, you did paint him up. His old man won't hardly know him." "Tom!" cried Aleck, excitedly, as these last words impressed him deeply. "Ay, ay, sir! Tom it is."

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