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Oh, hol' me, honey, hol' me, er I'll laf myse'f ter def. I ain' nebber laf' so much sence I be'n bawn. "'W'at you laffin' at, Hot-Foot? "'Yah, yah, yah! W'at I laffin' at? W'y, I's laffin' at myse'f, tooby sho', laffin' ter think w'at a fine 'oman I made. "Chloe tu'nt pale, en her hea't come up in her mouf.

Ah run after dem, a tryin' to get mah money, but ah couldn't keep up wid dem soldiers on hosses; an all de soldiers jes' laf at me." "Yes'em dat wuz de fines' big mellon ah evah see. Dat wuz right mean in him fine lookin gemman he were, at the head o' de line." "Ol' Marster Ballinger, he were a Rebel, an he harbors Rebels. Dey wuz two men a hangin' around dere name o' Buell and Bragg."

It wuz de las' thing he seed at night, en de fus' thing he seed in de mawnin'. W'eneber he met a stranger, de ham would be de fus' thing de stranger would see. Most un 'em would 'mence' ter laf, en whareber Dave went he could see folks p'intin' at him, en year 'em sayin:

Knowing sufficient of the Swedish language to understand that he asked me how I was, I answered in the same tongue, and, in compliment to himself, "Bra, Gud ske låf;" which four words I intended should intimate my gratitude to Heaven that I was well.

These people we found were men of talent and education; their ships were mostly dismantled, and they had not the means of equipping them. Par. You give me most egregious indignity. Laf. Ay, with all my heart; and thou art worthy of it. Naturally anxious to behold a country from which we had hitherto been excluded for so many years, we all applied for leave to go on shore, and obtained it.

"Dan nebber 'lowed fer a minute dat a man would lie wid his las' bref, en co'se he seed de sense er gittin' tu'nt back befo' de cunjuh man died; so he dumb on a chair en retch' fer de go'd, en tuk a sip er de mixtry. En ez soon ez he 'd done dat de cunjuh man lafft his las' laf, en gapsed out wid 'is las' gaps: "'Uh huh!

"'Marster, I l'arns dat it's a sin fer ter steal, er ter lie, er fer ter want w'at doan b'long ter yer; en I l'arns fer ter love de Lawd en ter 'bey my marster. "Mars Dugal' sorter smile' en laf' ter hisse'f, like he 'uz might'ly tickle' 'bout sump'n, en sezee: "'Doan 'pear ter me lack readin' de Bible done yer much harm, Dave. Dat's w'at I wants all my niggers fer ter know.

Oh, hol' me, honey, hol' me, er I'll laf myse'f ter def. I ain' nebber laf' so much sence I be'n bawn. "'Wat you laffin' at, Hot-Foot? "'Yah, yah, yah! Wat I laffin' at? W'y, I's laffin' at myse'f, tooby sho', laffin' ter think w'at a fine 'oman I made. "Chloe tu'nt pale, en her hea't come up in her mouf.

These people we found were men of talent and education; their ships were mostly dismantled, and they had not the means of equipping them. Par. You give me most egregious indignity. Laf. Ay, with all my heart; and thou art worthy of it. "All's Well that Ends Well."

"At this time," we are told by Laf age, "Cherubini had two distinct styles, one of which was allied to Paisiello and Cimarosa by the grace, elegance, and purity of the melodic forms; the other, which attached itself to the school of Gluck and Mozart, more harmonic than melodious, rich in instrumental details."