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Updated: September 12, 2024
"Are you sleepy Sophy?" "Oh, dear, no! Go on." Next morning Joe took the bags, and started for Ske
Well, the bargain was, that Joe should carry them back to Ske
Knowing sufficient of the Swedish language to understand that he asked me how I was, I answered in the same tongue, and, in compliment to himself, "Bra, Gud ske låf;" which four words I intended should intimate my gratitude to Heaven that I was well.
The Ske
There the little old gentleman was sitting at a table writing, gray hair, spectacles, white neck-cloth, black clothes, just as if he had never either doffed or donned himself since he went away. But before Joe could put out his hand, or say a civil word to him, he glinted up at Joe through his spectacles very fierce like, and grunted out something about wondering how Joe durst show his face again. Well, that put the cap on all for poor Joe. He had thought over what father said, and how he said it, on his road down till he found himself getting rather mad about it; and the way they all snorted and laughed when he came to Ske
Go on, Charlotte." He kept on at this feckless work till late in the afternoon, and by that time he had filled both bags full with odd bits of stone. Joe said he hadn't often had a harder darrack after sheep at clipping-time than he had after that old man, carrying his leather bags. But, however, they got back to our house, and mother gave the stranger some bread and milk; and after he had taken it, and talked with father about sheep-farming and such like, he paid Joe his five shillings like a man, and told him he would give him another five shillings if he would bring his bags full of stones down to Ske
When Joe got to Ske
All this happened at the end of May, Miss Sandal; and one day last August father went down Lorton way, and it was gayly late when he got home. As he was sitting on his own side the fire, trying to loose the buttons of his spats, he said to Joe, "I called at Ske
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