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"Don't `my dear madam' me, sir," returned the lady indignantly; "my name is Mrs Major Negus, and I insist on being treated with proper respect. Where is the captain of the vessel, sir?" "Down there," said Mr Meldrum laconically, pointing to the open hatchway.

Hatch removed the corn-cob pipe from between his lips and laconically observed: "Well, I know of one lie he's told." "You do?" "Remember him telling us at the supper table one night that a German submarine fired three torpedoes at the steamer he was coming home on with a lot of other sick and wounded?

"And at this very minute, they are shouting with enthusiasm the same as they are doing here, honestly believing that they are going to defend their outraged country, wishing to die for their families and firesides that nobody has threatened." "Who are 'they, Tchernoff?" asked Argensola. The Russian stared at him as though surprised at such a question. "They," he said laconically.

"There were invidious remarks made upon your non-appearance at her daughter's, and I do not choose that my family shall furnish food for neighborhood scandal." "My dear Winston, you must recollect what an insufferable headache I had that day." "Don't have one to-day," ordered her husband laconically. "Mabel, do you care to go?" "By all means.

Wade, resident trustee, Hervey sauntered over to the cabins occupied by the two patrols of his troop, the Leopards and the Panthers. They were just getting ready to go to supper. "Anything doing, Hervey?" his scoutmaster, Mr. Warren, asked him. "Nothing doing," Hervey answered laconically. "Maybe he doesn't know what you're talking about," one of his patrol, the Panthers, suggested.

"What on earth is that?" asked Gordon. "That new horse's tail; it comes off," replied Aaron with brevity. Then he chewed. "Comes off?" Aaron nodded, still chewing. Gordon rose from the table saying something under his breath. "That ain't all," said Aaron, still with an air of sly triumph. "What else, for Heaven's sake?" cried Gordon. "Well, he cribs," replied Aaron laconically. Then he chewed.

This head is becoming a dead weight, and I'm thirsty and tired, and, besides, something disagreeable just happened." "What was it?" asked Grace unthinkingly. Then, "I beg your pardon, Emma, I didn't realize the rudeness of my question. Pretend you didn't hear what I said." "Oh, that is all right," responded Emma laconically.

I heard you had bought it. Sails gone, mended, painted. Why, surely yes no yes, I have it observatory." "Right." "Splendid idea. Capital. You ought to have a big telescope for that." "Making it," said Uncle Richard laconically. "Glad of it. Wish I could join you. There, good-bye, so much to do; can't tell me, I suppose, what to do with that lad Pete Warboys?"

"Why to me?" demanded Brent. "You're Wallingford's next of kin," said the solicitor laconically. "That's why." "Wonder what it is?" muttered Brent. "Some feminine fancy maybe." "Go and find out, man!" laughed Tansley. "Just so," replied Brent. "I'm going now. But look here who and what is this Mrs. Saumarez? Post me up."

Some cows going down a lane toward their milking shed, mooed in a dispirited and thirsty way, which made the children feel thirsty also. "I want a drink of water awfully," said John. "Do you suppose it's much farther? How long will it be before we get to Mrs. Worrett's, Alexander?" "'Most there, miss," replied Alexander, laconically.