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"Oh," he said, laconically, "I need the exercise." To my mind, the man who, with such gracious humor, could refer to what was in reality torture deserved to live a century. But an unkind fate decreed that he should die young. Ten months after his commitment to the State Hospital he was discharged as improved but not cured.

If they had been deposited in his own pocket, they would have been found when his clothing was removed and examined. If they were in the private office when the three men left it "You're sure the drawers, safe and so on in Mr. Mallathorpe's room were thoroughly searched after his death?" he asked. "I should think they were!" answered Cobcroft laconically. "I helped at that, myself.

For several hours they had been riding slowly without encountering the enemy, when, suddenly, as the little squad topped a small hill and the two boys gained an unobstructed view of the little plain below, Hal pulled up his horse with an exclamation. Quickly he threw up his right hand and the little troop came to an abrupt halt. "Germans!" he said laconically.

"Don't try," advised Elfreda laconically. "We've had just as much fun as you have." Miriam and Grace exchanged glances. Elfreda was making rapid strides along the road to fellowship. "I like that girl," she announced as Ruth disappeared around the corner. "She has lots of pluck. When we asked her to go out with us to-day she looked at her old coat and hat, then at us.

She left him a little impatiently, and Aynesworth joined the outside of the circle of men who had gathered round Wingrave. He was answering their questions readily enough, if a little laconically.

He even opened the shaving sets, the collar box, the pin cases, and the tie bag. Other persons pushed by toward the train, uttering their relief aloud. Still the inspector doddered on. "Will you hasten?" asked Hillard. "We do not wish to miss this train." "Others follow," said the inspector laconically. Hillard produced a five-franc piece. The inspector laughed without noise and shook his head.

Lanty, who had been following the lines with her hand, here came upon the end knotted around the last pole. This she began to untie. "What a place to hang clothes," he said curiously. "Mighty dryin', tho'," returned Lanty laconically. "And your house? Is it near by?" he continued. "Just down the ridge ye kin see from the edge. Got a knife?" She had untied the knot. "No yes wait."

Gathering together his courage, he penetrated into a corridor lighted by pink electricity, and then up pink stairs. A pink door stopped him at last. It might have hid mysterious and questionable things, but it said laconically 'Push, and he courageously pushed... He was in a kind of boudoir thickly populated with tables and chairs.

"How far is it?" asked Thorndyke. "About two miles," answered the American laconically, "it is a chance for us, but a slim one." The balloon gradually sank. For twenty minutes the car glided along not more than two hundred feet above the waves. The island was now quite near. It was a barren mound of stone, worn into gullies and sharp precipices by the action of the waves and rain.

The old Doctor always waked easily, from long habit, and was the first among those who looked out to see what had happened. "Why, Abel!" he called out, "what have you got there? and what's all this noise about?" "We've ketched the Portagee!" Abel answered, as laconically as the hero of Lake Erie in his famous dispatch. "Go in there, you fellah!"