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Brooke greeted him and asked, 'Bone ? 'Yes, replied the subaltern laconically, 'shoulder smashed up. We expressed our sympathy. 'Oh, that's all right; good show, wasn't it? The men are awfully pleased; and he rode slowly on up the hill the type of an unyielding race and stoical besides; for wounds, especially shattered bones, grow painful after twelve or fourteen hours.

"Want of moral strength," said Mailing, laconically. "You think so?" "Don't you?" At this moment there was a knock at the door. Mr. Harding started. "How impossible it is to get a quiet moment," he said with acute irritation. "Come in!" he called out. The footman appeared. "Mr. Chichester has called to see you, sir." The rector's manner changed.

Thugut silently suffered himself to be clad in the costly Turkish dressing-gown, and in the golden slippers, the wonderful Cashmere shawl to be wrapped around his waist, and the Turkish fez to be placed on his head. Germain then brought a Turkish pipe with a splendidly carved amber tip, and handed it to the minister. "Now open the door," said Thugut, laconically.

Chetwood tells us that Walker was the supposed author of two pieces, "The Quakers' Opera," and a tragedy styled "The Fate of Villainy." "But, I remember," laconically adds Chetwood, "few people came to ask the reason.

"And if you're successful, am I to have the pleasure of your company for the rest of my life?" demanded the captain. "That will be for you to decide," was the reply. "Is it a bargain?" The captain looked at him and deliberated. "All right. Mondays and Thursdays," he said, laconically. Hardy saw through the ruse, and countered.

Nice job I had to get her a car at that time o' night! and me single-handed there wasn't a soul in the office then. Meet her anywhere, sir?" "Met her on the road," replied Allerdyke laconically. "Was she a foreigner, do you know?" "I shouldn't wonder if she was something of that sort," answered the night-porter. "Sort that would have her own way at all events. Here's the room, sir."

"As you say." "Is there anything remarkable about that?" He took another sight, and when he turned to me again he had no colour in his face. "I've seen that ship before," he said. "Where?" asked Roderick laconically. "Five days ago, when she fired a shell into the Ocean King." "In that case," said I, "there isn't much doubt about her intentions: she's chasing us!"

They became silent as Queenie and Brent passed in, and Brent, ushering Queenie into the inner hall, turned back to them. "Something going?" he asked laconically. The men looked at each other; the landlord, with a glance in Queenie's direction, replied, lowering his voice: "Then you haven't heard, Mr. Brent?" he said. "I thought you'd have known. Hawthwaite's arrested Krevin Crood for the murder."

His cap was pulled down over his brow. 'Good-evening! said the landlady, in her rather ingratiating voice. 'Good-evening. A glass of ale. 'A glass of ale, repeated the landlady suavely. 'Cold night but bright. 'Yes, the man assented, laconically. Then he added, when nobody expected him to say any more: 'Seasonable weather. 'Quite seasonable, quite, said the landlady. 'Thank you.

"The Boy at Mugby," to wit, the one exhilarated and exhilarating appreciate of the whole elaborate system of Refreshmenting in this Isle of the Brave and Land of the Free, by which he means to say Britannia. Laconically, "I am the Boy at Mugby," he announces. "That's about what I am."