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Updated: August 7, 2024

As Sainte-Beuve says, in a fine comparison between Racine and Shakespeare, to come to the one after the other is like passing to a portrait by Ingres from a decoration by Rubens. At first, 'comme on a l'oeil rempli de l'éclatante vérité pittoresque du grand maître flamand, on ne voit dans l'artiste français qu'un ton assez uniforme, une teinte diffuse de pâle et douce lumière.

And, in general, the pathetic interest of the book for all whose sympathy answers to what George Sand calls "les tragedies que la pensee apercoit et que l'oeil ne voit point" is very great. Amiel published it a year before his death, and the struggle with failing power which the Journal reveals to us in its saddest and most intimate reality, is here expressed in more reserved and measured form.

Woodnorton, 26 septembre. Tres cher ami, Vous etes bien heureux de pouvoir aller vous promener a Cherbourg et a Paris. Enfin! Oui, j'ai recu un peu de plomb, et meme assez pres de l'oeil gauche; mais le proverbe dit que ce metal est ami de l'homme. J'en serai quitte pour quelques petites bosses sous la peau, et je vous souhaite de vous porter aussi bien que je le fais en ce moment.

Musset, after their first meeting, describes her, to whom he at a subsequent period alludes as femme a l'oeil sombre, thus: She is very beautiful; she is the kind of woman I like brown, pale, dull-complexioned with reflections as of bronze, and strikingly large-eyed like an Indian. I have never been able to contemplate such a countenance without inward emotion.

'So it was lies all the while at Margate, she said to herself, walking about the room, stopping now and again to stare at some object which she did not see. 'There was no American, and no Chilperic, no Trone d'Ecosse, no L'Oeil Creve, no La Belle Poule, no Marguerite de Navarre. Lies, lies! Nothing but lies! He never intended to produce one of them, or that I should play "Fredegonde." Lies! Lies!

'Pourtant, remarked the friend, 'vous avez l'oeil fort bon. Voltaire leapt up from the pillows: 'Ne savez-vous pas, he shouted, 'que les scorbutiques meurent l'oeil enflammé? When the evening came it was time to dress, and, in all the pomp of flowing wig and diamond order, to proceed to the little music-room, where his Majesty, after the business of the day, was preparing to relax himself upon the flute.

A moins que tu ne penses peut-être, parceque l'oeil de l'homme n'a rien vu au-del

It often falls out, that being displeased at some action that civility and reason will not permit me openly to reprove, I here disgorge myself, not without design of public instruction: and also these poetical lashes, "Zon zur l'oeil, ion sur le groin, Zon zur le dos du Sagoin," Marot. imprint themselves better upon paper than upon the flesh.

Our national vanity might be flattered by hearing that the phrase "L'oeil Américain" is used to describe an eye whose piercing vision is escaped by nothing, were we not told that it dates from the translation of Cooper's Leatherstocking tales into French, and has no reference, as "Natty Bumpo" would say, to "white gifts."

My wife, who liked you so cordially, implored me to look after you during her absence from Paris, and, enfin, mon pauvre garcon, it would grieve me very much if, when she comes back, I had to say to her, 'Gustave Rameau has thrown away the chance of redemption and of happiness which you deemed was secure to him. A l'oeil malade, la lumiere nuit." So saying, he held out his hand kindly.

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