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Rilla read her first love letter in her Rainbow Valley fir-shadowed nook, and a girl's first love letter, whatever blase, older people may think of it, is an event of tremendous importance in the teens. After Kenneth's regiment had left Kingsport there came a fortnight of dully-aching anxiety and when the congregation sang in Church on Sunday evenings,

"Well, nobody knows anything about THAT. But one thing is certain, he doesn't go there any longer. And Rosemary didn't look well all the spring. I hope her visit to Kingsport will do her good. She's been gone for a month and will stay another month, I understand. I can't remember when Rosemary was away from home before. She and Ellen could never bear to be parted.

She had known this was coming ever since she had returned from Kingsport, and found Norman Douglas established as a frequent evening caller. His name was never mentioned between her and Ellen, but the very avoidance of it was significant. It was not in Rosemary's nature to feel bitter, or she would have felt very bitter.

When she had wound the kitchen clock and put Dr. Jekyll out, none too gently, she stood for a little while on the doorstep, looking down the Glen, which lay tranced in faint, silvery light from a sinking young moon. But Susan did not see the familiar hills and harbour. She was looking at the aviation camp in Kingsport where Shirley was that night. "He called me 'Mother Susan," she was thinking.

When her brother graduated he told me his sister was coming to Kingsport the next winter to take music, and asked me if I would look after her a bit, as she knew no one and would be very lonely. So I did. And then I liked Christine for her own sake. She is one of the nicest girls I've ever known. I knew college gossip credited us with being in love with each other. I didn't care.

Oh, Gilbert, I do hope I'll like Redmond and Kingsport, but I'm sure I won't!" "Where's all your philosophy gone, Anne?" "It's all submerged under a great, swamping wave of loneliness and homesickness. I've longed for three years to go to Redmond and now I'm going and I wish I weren't! Never mind! I shall be cheerful and philosophical again after I have just one good cry.

Garrard to send a scouting party to that place. A detail of 50 men from the Seventh being made, Capt. Rankin was ordered to take command. Before the scouts returned, the enemy made their appearance by the way of Kingsport. In order that you may fully understand the event which I am about to describe, it is necessary that I should describe the country and the locality, our camp and its approaches.

It was a new thing in Kingsport hospital last winter. I could never have dared try it here if I had not been absolutely certain that there was no other chance. I risked it and it succeeded. As a result, a good wife and mother is saved for long years of happiness and usefulness.

But I am of the opinion he cannot help himself and is just doing the best he can under the circumstances, the same as the rest of us. So do not go so far afield to borrow trouble, Miss Oliver dear, when there is plenty of it already camping on our very doorstep." Walter had gone to Kingsport the first of June. Nan, Di and Faith had gone also to do Red Cross work in their vacation.

Elisha Wright said she understood that Redmond girls, especially those who belonged to Kingsport, were 'dreadful dressy and stuck-up, and she guessed I wouldn't feel much at home among them; and I saw myself, a snubbed, dowdy, humiliated country girl, shuffling through Redmond's classic halls in coppertoned boots." Anne ended with a laugh and a sigh commingled.