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Garrard had the train on the road, headed toward Rogersville, and the brigade drawn up in line, artillery placed in position on an eminence, commanding the approach from Kingsport. While in this position we were attacked in the rear by the force coming up the valley.

After all, I've enjoyed these past two years. But I'm coming to Redmond. "And now, Anne, I've a little plan. You know how I loathe boarding. I've boarded for four years and I'm so tired of it. I don't feel like enduring three years more of it. "Now, why can't you and Priscilla and I club together, rent a little house somewhere in Kingsport, and board ourselves?

Come the others have got to the pavilion and are beckoning to us." They all sat down in the little pavilion to watch an autumn sunset of deep red fire and pallid gold. To their left lay Kingsport, its roofs and spires dim in their shroud of violet smoke. To their right lay the harbor, taking on tints of rose and copper as it stretched out into the sunset.

"Not for a week then we go to Kingsport for training. I suppose we'll go overseas about the middle of July we don't know." One week only one week more with Walter! The eyes of youth did not see how she was to go on living. When they turned in at the Ingleside gate Walter stopped in the shadows of the old pines and drew Rilla close to him.

"You look just lovely. Di, darling, kiss me good-bye for the last time. Diana Barry will never kiss me again." "Diana Wright will, though. There, mother's calling. Come." Following the simple, old-fashioned way in vogue then, Anne went down to the parlor on Gilbert's arm. They met at the top of the stairs for the first time since they had left Kingsport, for Gilbert had arrived only that day.

On the other hand, her husband, who was an Englishman by birth and who had been working in Kingsport when the war broke out, had promptly sailed for England to enlist there, without, it may be said, coming home or sending much hard cash to represent him. So possibly Mrs. Anderson might feel hurt if she were overlooked. Rilla decided to call.

There had been a time when such a walk with Gilbert through Lovers' Lane would have been far too dangerous. But Roy and Christine had made it very safe now. Anne found herself thinking a good deal about Christine as she chatted lightly to Gilbert. She had met her several times before leaving Kingsport, and had been charmingly sweet to her. Christine had also been charmingly sweet.

If I hadn't won the Thorburn I don't believe I could have. I COULDN'T take any of Marilla's little hoard." "If we could only find a house!" sighed Priscilla. "Look over there at Kingsport, Anne houses, houses everywhere, and not one for us." "Stop it, Pris. 'The best is yet to be. Like the old Roman, we'll find a house or build one.

But other things were hanging in the balance; and on the very day before the concert came a regretful letter from Mrs. Channing saying that she could not come to sing. Her son, who was in Kingsport with his regiment, was seriously ill with pneumonia, and she must go to him at once. The members of the concert committee looked at each other in blank dismay. What was to be done?

I feel that I can face an army with banners or all the professors of Redmond in one fell phalanx with a chum like Priscilla by my side." "I think we'll like Kingsport," said Gilbert. "It's a nice old burg, they tell me, and has the finest natural park in the world. I've heard that the scenery in it is magnificent."