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It's the Colonel that's done it all! But is n't it splendid of him? Are n't you glad for David?" "I am glad for them all. It is what I feared never would come to pass. Colonel Gresham is sure to like David, and it is going to mean everything for the boy." The Kidnapping of Polly "Mamma and I are going to live with Uncle David." So the boy told Polly late that afternoon.

Then he was to be forcibly transferred to the northern coast on relays of horses, and hurried over to England. But, though the plotters threw the veil of decency over their enterprise by calling it kidnapping, they undoubtedly meant murder. Among Drake's papers there is a hint that the royalist emissaries were at first to speak only of the seizure and deportation of the First Consul.

The kidnapping of the twins was discovered just after Fledra Vandecar had presented her husband with another daughter, a tiny human flower which the strong man took in his hands with tender thanksgiving. The three days that followed the disappearance of his children were eternal for Floyd Vandecar. The entire police force of the country had been called upon to help bring to him his lost treasures.

Now just a common little hold-up ain't so bad. That could happen on any lonely mountain road. But this here kidnapping, you never can tell how its going to turn out. Might be murder before you got through, especially if Link is along. You know Link!" "That's all right, Pat, you needn't worry, this'll go through slick as a whistle, and a million in it if we work it right.

"And yet" with an expressive outward movement of both hands "what is the need of all this?" "What!" Amber choked with resentment. "What was the need of setting your thugs upon me of kidnapping me?" "That, my lord, was an error of judgment on the part of one who shall pay for it full measure. I trust you were not rudely treated." "I'd like to know what in blazes you call it," snapped Amber.

I wonder that a man of your knowledge of the world did not see at once that you were kidnapping the wrong person," said the Honourable John Ruffin; and his tone was full of conviction. "I'm not Lady Marion, and I never said I was. It was you who said so. I am Mr. Ruffin's housekeeper, Mary Bride," said Pollyooly very firmly.

"It's very inconsiderate of you, you must admit." "I don't understand..." "Because of the legal complication. I've no doubt your father can 'have the law on me'" Kirkwood laughed uneasily "for taking you from his protection." "Protection!" she echoed warmly. "If you call it that!" "Kidnapping," he said thoughtfully: "I presume that'd be the charge." "Oh!" She laughed the notion to scorn.

"Garrick," I said at length, "do you really think that we have to deal with anything in this case but just plain attempted kidnapping of the old style?" He shook his head doubtfully. I knew him to be anything but an alarmist and waited impatiently for him to speak. "I wouldn't think so," he said at length slowly, "except for one thing." "What's that?" I asked eagerly.

Said the two Kings, "Tell us the rarest of the adventures that have befallen thee in kidnapping children and girls." "O Kings of the age," replied he, "the strangest thing that ever happened to me was as follows.

"I reckon that's Miss 'Lissie," the others were informed by the unshaven one. "She's let him in and shet the door." Inevitably there followed speculation as to who the arrival might be. That his coming had something to do with the affair of the West kidnapping, all were disposed to agree; but just what it might have to do with it, none of them could do more than guess.