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Updated: August 18, 2024

Minnie!" he cried, "why didn't you save me? What made you let me be a fool?" She met his gaze with a tenderness so great that the words lost all their sting. "You always were, William," she said quietly. "Always rushing at things like Job's charger, and having to rush back again. Never once have I read that without thinking of you. That's why you fixed up an angel out of poor little Isabel."

And, depend upon it, if the Son of Man had never come into the world, it would have echoed round the globe still unanswered and unanswerable until this day. 'O Plato, Plato! cried Socrates, 'it may be that the gods can forgive sin, but, alas, I do not see how! Nor anybody else. Job's question fell back upon his face; the universe could give him no reply. It is very striking.

A lean, wind-browned man with keen black eyes came aft to the tiller where Jeremy and Tom stood with the Captain. It was Isaiah Hawkes, Job's first mate, himself a Maine coast man. "It's all clear sailin' ahead, sir," he said. "No more reefs or islands 'twixt this an' Cape Cod, if they follow the course they're on."

Sam, with his glued to Job's countenance, ran up against the people who were walking about, and fell over little children, and stumbled against steps and railings, without appearing at all sensible of it, until Job, looking stealthily up, said 'How do you do, Mr. Weller?

Working in another direction, the Chaldeans were led to come in three bands and carry off Job's camels, slaying all the servants with the edge of the sword, save the one left to convey the evil tidings.

"I mean it," I assured him. "I'm going to train, and train hard. I've got no time to lose. I must be on my way down the aisle inside of three months. I give you a free hand. I'll do just what you say." "The job's out of my line," he protested. "I know better," said I. "I've always seen the parlor under the stable in you. We'll begin right away. What do you think of these clothes?"

Many virtues are proved and augmented by trials, and not only proved, but produced, so that they would have had no existence without them. Many a David's noblest qualities would never have been developed but for the impious attempts of Saul. Job's integrity was not only tested but strengthened by Satan being permitted to sift him as wheat.

He was a patrol guard, on a visiting tour of the outlying stations. His news was peaceful enough. "I don't care a cuss how long the old man keeps the funks," he said, with a cheery laugh. "I give it you right here, this job's a snap. I ride around like a gen'l spyin' fer enemies. Guess Red Mask has his uses." "So's most folk," responded Arizona, "but 'tain't allus easy to locate."

"I believe she is sweeping right on the bread," said Eurie, her thoughts turned into another channel. "Go and see, Jennie." Jennie went, and returned as full of comfort as any of Job's friends.

Don sighed and went on eating. He was horribly low-spirited, but his youthful appetite once started, he felt the need of food, and kept on in silence, passing and receiving the cup till all was gone. "That job's done," said Jem, placing the jug on the plate, and the cup in the mouth of the jug. "Now then, I'm ready, Mas' Don. You said escape, didn't you, sir?" "Yes. What shall we do?"

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