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Look at me, sixty-eight years come December, never an ache nor a pain, and got all my own teeth. Take another wife. That keeps a man young if he's got jedgment." He glanced back toward the Rae house. "And I want to speak to you special about something this young dandy Gentile you're harbouring.

"Yes, suh, fu' a while, anyhow." "Uncle Simon, aren't you losing your religion?" "Losin' my u'ligion? Who, me losin' my u'ligion! No, suh." "Well, aren't you afraid you'll lose it on the Sundays that you spend out of your meeting-house?" "Now, Mas' Gawge, you a white man, an' you my mastah, an' you got larnin'. But what kin' o' argyment is dat? Is dat good jedgment?"

And, Sport, though ye be a younger dog, and naterally of less jedgment, yit ye have yer gifts, and I have seed ye straighten out a trail that Rover and me couldn't ontangle. So do ye listen, both of ye, like honest dogs, while I read the words: "'Give to him that lacketh and from him that hath not withhold not thine hand.

"If a man really loves one woman he'll behave all right," he observed to Uncle Peter. "Oh, I ain't preachin' like some do. Havin' a good time is all right; it's the only thing, I reckon, sometimes, that justifies the misery of livin'. But cuttin' loose is bad jedgment. A man wakes up to find that his natural promptin's has cold-decked him.

Some say dat jedgment day ain't fur off, an' de folks is flockin' 'roun' de house a hollerin' an' a- shoutin' des like dey wuz in er revival. In de winder glass dar you kin see de flags a flyin', an' Jacob's lather is dar, an' dar's writin' on de pane w'at no man can't read leas'wise dey ain't none read it yit." "W'at kinder racket is dis you er givin' un me now, Brer Ab?"

I've always hoped she'd 'a' had some jedgment of her own, and not been eternally apin', if I had, but the Lord may 'a' saved me many a disappointment by sendin' all mine boys. Not that I'm layin' the babies on to the Lord at all I jest got into the habit of sayin' that, 'cos everybody else does, but all mine, I had a purty good idy how I got them.

And then says I to myself: 'There's another one, and Jim Fenton's a goner; but I didn't let on that I was skeered, and says I to him: 'That's a good deal of a toot; who be ye callin' to dinner? And says he: 'It's the last day! Come to jedgment!

It seemed that they might be appropriate to the time and place, but he had no more than mentioned the title when Disko brought down one foot with a bang, and cried, "Don't go on, young feller. That's a mistaken jedgment one o' the worst kind, too, becaze it's catchin' to the ear." "I orter ha' warned you," said Dan. "Thet allus fetches Dad."

Ma said I was to use my jedgment about things, and I'm going to. All you children have got to do is to keep out of the way, and let Prue and me work. Eph, I wish you'd put a fire in the best room, so the little ones can play in there.

Now we're gwine out ter de cotton compress, an' git a lot er colored men tergether, an' ef de w'ite folks 'sturbs me, I shouldn't be s'prise' ef dere'd be a mix-up; an' ef dere is, me an one w'ite man 'll stan' befo' de jedgment th'one er God dis day; an' it won't be me w'at'll be 'feared er de jedgment. Come along, boys!