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'Well, but what did ye speak about? 'Ou, he just asked questions like ony ither stranger, answered the postilion, possessed, as it seemed, with the refractory and uncommunicative spirit which had left his mistress. 'But about what? said Glossin. 'Ou, just about the folk that was playing at the curling, and about auld Jock Stevenson that was at the cock, and about the leddies, and sic like.

"I've often wondered," said she, "if a lass could hae ony real likin for a lad, when she was temptin him to fling awa his siller, buyin whigmaleeries, to gar her look like an antic amang ither folk, or how she thought a lad wha would let his siller gang that gate, could ever provide for the wants o' a house, if they should come to hae ane o' their ain."

"He is my grandfather's miller at Carvel Hall," I said. "Syne ye maun be nane ither than Mr. Richard Carvel. Yere servan', Mr. Carvel," and he made me a low bow, to the great dropping of jaws round about, and led me into the inn.

"Now, how will we get at this fishin' to be parfectly fair?" "Tell ye what I think," said Dannie. "I think we ought to pick out the twa best places about the Black Bass pool, and ye take ane fra yours and I'll take the ither fra mine, and then we'll each fish from his own place." "Nothing fair about that," answered Jimmy.

"There's something at the turnin', an' it's no fouk; it's a machine o' some kind or ither maybe a bread cart that's focht its wy up." "Na, it's no that; there's twa horses, are afore the ither; if it's no a dogcairt wi' twa men in the front; they 'ill be comin' tae the beerial."

"You tell me," said Cosmo, as if in a painful dream, through which flashed lovely lights, "that you and Grizzie spent all your own money upon us, and then Grizzie went out and begged for us?" "'Deed there's no anither word for't nor was there ae thing ither to be dune!" Aggie drew herself up, and went on with solemnity.

Soulis, "in the name of God, and before me, His unworthy minister, renounce the devil and his works?" Weel, it wad appear that, when he askit that, she gave a girn that fairly frichtit them that saw her, an' they could hear her teeth play dirl thegether in her chafts; but there was naething for it but the ae way or the ither; an' Janet lifted up her hand and renounced the deil before them a'.

"What for are ye cockering up this lassie, and no getting her doon tae the kirk? it's clean disgracefu' in an Elder, and if I were yir minister a' wud hae ye sessioned. Sall, ye're hard enough on ither fouk that are no kirk greedy." "You will not be speaking that way next Sabbath, for it iss in her pew Flora will be sitting with her father," said Lachlan, in great spirits.

After a', there was but beef banes and fat brose; but king's cauff, your honour kens, is better than ither folk's corn; at ony rate, it was a' in free awmous. But I see," he added, stopping short, "that your honour waxes impatient."

The surly groom looked surlier still at this, but not sufficiently so to produce any effect upon Sam, who immediately inquired, with a countenance of great anxiety, whether his master's name was not Walker. 'No, it ain't, said the groom. 'Nor Brown, I s'pose? said Sam. 'No, it ain't. 'Nor Vilson? 'No; nor that @ither, said the groom.