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Updated: August 28, 2024

So they up-ended 'im, they did, an' they made a lane for 'im an' cheered 'im to give 'im 'eart, though 'e never lacked for that. At virst 'e vas that dazed that 'e didn't know if 'e vas in church or in 'Orsemonger Gaol; but ven I'd bit 'is two ears 'e shook 'isself together. 'Ve'll try it again, Buck, says 'e. 'The mark! says I. And 'e vinked all that vas left o' one eye.

And as Gwenda made no sign, Mrs. Gale, still more oppressed by that extraordinary silence, gave her own feelings way. "Mebbe wae sall navver see 'im in t' Daale again. It'll goa 'ard, look yo, wi' a girt man like 'im, what's navver saaved 'isself. Naw, 'e's navver saaved 'issel." She ceased. She gazed upon both the sisters now.

'Nawsty business 'ere this morning, Sir. Gent in No. 15 been and shot 'isself. They've just took 'im to the mortiary. The police are up there now. I ascended to No. 15, and found a couple of bobbies and an inspector busy making an examination. I asked a few idiotic questions, and they soon kicked me out.

Turnbull took 'em in with 'im just because 'e couldn't 'elp 'isself. 'E 'ad to 'ave 'elp to take the barque, and naterally 'e chose the chaps as 'e thought would be most useful to 'im, 'specially as 'e didn't want to 'ave more 'n 'e could 'elp to go shares with 'im. Now these 'ere four Burton and the rest of 'em are big, strong fellers, all of 'em.

"'E do that!" chimed in Job, edging nearer; "what I sez is, if 'e do get 'is back broke, 'e aren't got nobody to blame but 'isself so cocksure as 'e be." "Job," said the Ancient, "hold thee tongue." "I sez 'e's a cocksure cove," repeated Job doggedly, "an' a cocksure cove 'e be; what do 'ee think, Jarge?"

"As how?" "Well, I never 'eard of a gentleman turnin' 'isself into a blacksmith, afore, for one thing " "Still, one might," I ventured. "No," answered the Postilion, with a decisive shake of the head, "it's ag'in' natur'; when a gentleman gets down in the world, an' 'as to do summ'at for a livin', 'e generally shoots 'isself ah! an' I've knowed 'em do it too!

"I don't know how that is, Karl. I think Gangoil goes a quarter of a mile beyond this. But we did not quite strike the boundary when we put up the fence." "Brownbie's cattle is allays here, Mr. 'Eathcote, and is knocking down the fence every day. Brownbie is a rascal, and 'is cattle as bad as 'isself." "Never mind that, Karl, now.

I see a light, fust of all, a-leapin' an' a-dancin' about 'mong the trees ah! an' I 'eerd shouts as was enough to curdle a man's good blood. 'Pooh! what's lights? says Joel Amos, cockin' 'is eye into 'is empty tankard; 'that bean't much to frighten a man, no, nor shouts neither. 'Aren't it? says John Pringle, fierce-like; 'what if I tell ye the place be full o' flamin' fire what if I tell ye I see the devil 'isself, all smoke, an' sparks, an' brimston' a-floatin' an' a-flyin', an' draggin' a body through the tops o' the trees? 'Lord! says everybody, an' well they might, Peter, an' nobody says nothin' for a while.

"I allus said as Black Jarge'd come to a bad end," reiterated Job, "an' what's more 'e aren't got nobody to blame but 'isself!" "An' all for a couple o' rabbits!" sighed the Ancient, staring Old Amos full in the eye. "Pa'tridges, Gaffer, they was pa'tridges you, James Dutton was they pa'tridges or was they not speak up, James."

'e's mad for 'er, 'e is 'e'd ruin 'isself, body and soul, for 'er, 'e would, but I ain't goin' to ofer no more; no woman as ever breathed no matter 'ow 'andsome an' up-standin' is worth more 'n a 'undred guineas it ain't as if she was a blood-mare an' I'm done!" "Then I wish you good-day!" "But just think a 'undred guineas is a fortun'!" "It is!" said I.

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