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Updated: August 6, 2024

Ita mihi videtur non minus stomachi nostro ac Caesari fecisse." To Atticus, v. 11. "Quod ad Caesarem crebri et non belli de eo rumores. Sed susurratores dumtaxat veniunt.... Neque adhuc certi quidquam est, neque haec incerta tamen vulgo jactantur. Sed inter paucos, quos tu nosti, palam secreto narrantur. At Domitius cum manus ad os apposuit!" Caelius to Cicero, Ad Fam. viii. 1.

It is this display of instinctive ingenuity that Lucan celebrates where he paints the ichneumon diverting the attention of the asp, by the motion of his bushy tail, and then seizing it in the midst of its confusion: "Aspidas ut Pharias caudâ solertior hostis Ludit, et iratas incertâ provocat umbrâ: *

Deiotarus was king or tetrarch of Galatia in Asia Minor, and had come to the assistance of Pompeius with a considerable force. Pompeius had given him Armenia the Less, and the title of King. It is placed among the Fragmenta Incerta CXIX. ed. The last sentence of this chapter is somewhat obscure, and the opinions of the critics vary as to the reading.

When I see People copying Works which, as Horace has represented them, are singular in their Kind, and inimitable; when I see Men following Irregularities by Rule, and by the little Tricks of Art straining after the most unbounded Flights of Nature, I cannot but apply to them that Passage in Terence: ... Incerta haec si tu postules Ratione certa facere, nihilo plus agas, Quam si des operam, ut cum ratione insanias.

QUIBUS otio vel magnifice, vel molliter, vivere copia era incerta pro certis malebant.* SALLUST. * "They who had the means to live at ease, either in splendour or in luxury, preferred the uncertainty of change to their natural security."

When I see people copying works which, as Horace has represented them, are singular in their kind, and inimitable; when I see men following irregularities by rule, and by the little tricks of art straining after the most unbounded flights of nature, I cannot but apply to them that passage in Terence: Incerta haec si tu postules Ratione certa facere, nihilo plus agas Quam si des operam, ut cum ratione insanias.

NULLAE ... FUISSENT: i.e. the young men would have brought every country to ruin; see 20. CUM ... CUM: see n. on 4. IN FILIO ... IN FRATRIBUS: cf. Lael. 9. As to Cato's son cf. 15, 84. TU: sc. sensisti. INSIPIENTER: adversative asyndeton. INCERTA ... VERIS: chiasmus avoided. With the thought cf. Off. 1, 18. AT ... AT: the objection and its answer are both introduced by at, as here, in 35.

This young man of fashion, species incerta, did not know that there were two Hotels Beauseant; he was not aware how rich he was in relations who did not care about him. "The Vicomte de Beauseant, Rue " "De Grenelle," interrupted the driver, with a jerk of his head. "You see, there are the hotels of the Marquis and Comte de Beauseant in the Rue Saint-Dominique," he added, drawing up the step.

QUIBUS otio vel magnifice, vel molliter, vivere copia era incerta pro certis malebant.* SALLUST. * "They who had the means to live at ease, either in splendour or in luxury, preferred the uncertainty of change to their natural security."

She put her head into her hands and filled with anxiety and sudden doubt. Like a good many more of us, she had been positive so long as the decision did not rest with her. But with power comes responsibility, with responsibility comes doubt. Easy to be an advocate in re incerta; hard to be the judge. And she had but a few seconds to think in; for Raynal was at hand.

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