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"It might do to hold my tobacco." "Tobacco! You heathen! Why, that jar is to hold the ashes of your ancestors!" "Haven't any ancestors that had ashes as far as I know," said Dunk, imperturbably. "I can smoke enough cigar ashes to fill it, though." "Hopeless hopeless," murmured Ikey. "But look such a bargain, only seven dollars!" "Holy mackerel!" cried Andy. "Seven dollars for a tobacco jar!"

I was in bed at the time with well, I don't remember where I was breaking out at the time, but I was in bed. You may have noticed that I have what might be called a classic pallor, and a general resemblance to a corpse." Nancy shivered a little and Carol frowned, but Nevius continued imperturbably. "The undertaker down-town is a lunger, and a nervous wreck to boot. But he is a good undertaker.

Now this man" and he tapped the "Chronicle" "knows an editor's business." "Which is more than you do," interpolated the goaded man. "'The frame for William Brown's new house is up. William may be trusted to finish as well as he has begun," read the idler, imperturbably. "'Miss Sophie Brown is visiting friends in Albany.

If there should be any disturbance in the streets, keep out of it; or, if you should be within here, close the shutters and put the lights out." "All right. I guess I'm fairly well able to take care of myself," I said imperturbably; though I thought he might have given me credit for the possession of average common sense, anyhow!

I seem to see him now, the brave old man, as he sat there on the rough stool, imperturbably smoking, and maintaining his own against the dissenting officers. Even after some of them grew vexed, and declared that either the signal had been fired or the express had been captured, and that in either case it would be worse than folly to longer remain here, he held his temper.

Down in their dugouts the Salvation Army folks imperturbably handed out doughnuts and dished out the 'drink." 45, Avenue Montaigne, Paris. Commander Evangeline Booth, Apr. 8, 1919. Salvation Army, New York City. MY DEAR COMMANDER BOOTH: The work of the Salvation Army with the armed forces of the United States does not need any word of commendation from me.

Her runners, in uniform, waited beside the empty rickshaw with a puzzled look, at which she laughed, and threw a rupee to the head man. The luggage was piled and corded on three ekkas behind, and their cross-legged drivers, too, were ready. 'Chellao! she cried, crisply, and Ram Singh imperturbably lifted the reins.

Here are the Dragon's claws!" He waved his bayoneted gun aloft. "Will ye die like men, or like slinking rats stamped into the earth? All who are not cowards come!" He waved the way through the smoke to the grey figures emerging from it. The Chinaman is no coward when once aroused. Death he faces as he faces life, stoically, imperturbably.

Many seasons had he cooked beneath a round-up tent, and never had he stocked the mess-wagon for a long trip and left canned corn off the list. It was good to his palate and it was easy to prepare, and no argument could wean him from imperturbably opening can after can, eating plentifully of it himself and throwing the rest to feed the gophers.

I forgot that he was my servant, and I caught his hand and pressed it. "You have saved my life at the risk of your own," I said; "I shall not forget it." But Banks had been too well trained to lose sight of his position. He merely tipped his hat again and said imperturbably: "Best get out of here, your honour. They'll be coming again directly." "Where are we?" I asked.