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Hanged if Toddy wasn't smoking like a chimney. Did you twig his weed?" "Regular stench," said Wilson. "Toddy will have to swim out through the front way, or howl for help. The punt is sure to be locked." "He'll have to take a header off the punt into the moat, and that isn't crystal, exactly." "Six yards of mud is about the figure," said Wilson, almost hysterically.

I congratulated her on the presence of mind she had shown in shooting the Masai with her Derringer pistol, and thereby saving her own life. 'Oh, don't talk of it! she said, beginning to cry hysterically; 'I shall never forget his face as he went turning round and round, never I can see it now.

The pitching of the yacht was something so terrible that it got to be hysterically funny. It couldn't seem dangerous with the sun streaming down the companion-way and past my state-room windows. About five o'clock on the second day they began to tack, and then I heard shrieks of laughter and the crash of china, and groans from the saloon settee, where young Bashforth was lying ghastly ill.

When would they ever meet again? He had taught her those words himself. She remembered listening as he sang them over and over under the hau tree at Waikiki. Had it been prophecy? And she had admired his singing, had told him that he sang with such expression. She laughed aloud, hysterically, at the recollection. With such expression! when he had been pouring his heart out in his voice.

She burst into a convulsive laugh; then, seizing the queer object, bent her face upon it and sobbed hysterically. When the storm was over, very tenderly she laid the gift aside, and bare-headed passed out into the night. For a half-hour she stood at the end of the lane, and then hungry Balaam and his master hove in sight. Reaching out her hand, she checked the beast.

Greene, and then she threw herself hack on to my bed, and shrieked hysterically. There was no doubt whatsoever about the fact. There was the lost box, and there it had been during all those tedious hours of unavailing search.

Our brougham was in the yard; the window next the explosion was intact, but the one on the further side was blown to smithereens. 'The servants were very scared, and one maid having rushed straight to a sitting-room, was there found hysterically embracing a sofa cushion. 'We received one odd claim for compensation.

The tone of reproach with which this word was uttered failed to produce the slightest effect on the Captain, who merely removed the pipe from his lips for an instant, and blew a cloud into the chilly air. The thermometer stood at two degrees below zero in our hall. "Dan'el!" cried Miss Abigail, hysterically "Dan'el, don't come near me!"

And, as gentle and careful as any woman could, too into the house and right upstairs here" pointing along the passage as if veritably beholding the scene once more "and into her own bedroom." "How shocking. How extremely improper!" Theresa beat her fat little hands hysterically together.

Then she shouted aloud, again and again wildly, and more wildly, laughing hysterically; she began flinging her arms about and then calling to Thyrsis, as her eyes closed, murmuring broken sentences of love, "babbling o' green fields." It was too much for the boy there was a choking in his throat, and he rushed from the room and sank down upon a chair in the hall, crying like a child.