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"Now you walk straight," said the captain, clutching him, "or I'll know why not!" "'S lose my ciga'," replied Huish. The captain's contained fury blazed up for a moment. He twisted Huish round, grasped him by the neck of the coat, ran him in front of him to the pier-end, and flung him savagely forward on his face.

"You talk to me as if I was God Almighty, to do this and that! But if I can't?" "My son," said the captain, "you better do your level best, or you'll see sights!" "O yes," said Huish. "O crikey, yes!"

'You go always armed? he said, and the next moment could have plucked his tongue out. 'Always, said Attwater. 'I have been through a mutiny here; that was one of my incidents of missionary life. And just then the sound of voices reached them, and looking forth from the verandah they saw Huish and the captain drawing near.

'Do you mean there shall be no more drinking? asked Herrick, 'neither by you nor Huish? that you won't go on stealing my profits and drinking my champagne that I gave my honour for? and that you'll attend to your duties, and stand watch and watch, and bear your proper share of the ship's work, instead of leaving it all on the shoulders of a landsman, and making yourself the butt and scoff of native seamen?

'Well, said Davis, 'I suppose you may call it an accident. We had heard of your island, and read that thing in the Directory about the PRIVATE REASONS, you see; so when we saw the lagoon reflected in the sky, we put her head for it at once, and so here we are. ''Ope we don't intrude! said Huish. The stranger looked at Huish with an air of faint surprise, and looked pointedly away again.

"I drew it rather fine, you see," he said at last. "The great thing was to clear right out of Papeete before the consul could think better of it. Tell you what: I guess I'll take stock." And he rose from the table and disappeared with a lamp in the lazarette. "'Ere's another screw loose," observed Huish.

Huish, lay on to these blankets. 'See you blooming well far enough first, said Huish, drawing back. 'What's that? snapped the captain. 'I'll tell you, my young friend, I think you make a mistake. I'm captain here. 'Fat lot I care, returned the clerk. 'That so? said Davis. 'Then you'll berth forward with the niggers! Walk right out of this cabin. 'Oh, I dessay! said Huish.

The frail bones in the thin tropical raiment seemed scarce more considerable than a fowl's; and Davis, sitting on the rail with his arm about a stay, contemplated him with gloom, wondering what manner of counsel that insignificant figure should contain. For since Herrick had thrown him off and deserted to the enemy, Huish, alone of mankind, remained to him to be a helper and oracle.

'Seems rather a shyme to me to spoil your breakfast for wot's really ancient 'istory. He finished three parts of a bottle of champagne, and nibbled a corner of biscuit, with extreme deliberation; the captain sitting opposite and champing the bit like an impatient horse. Then Huish leaned his arms on the table and looked Davis in the face. 'W'en you're ready! said he.

To Davis between wind and water, his mythology appeared to have come alive, and Tophet to be vomiting demons. But Huish was not mystified a moment. 'Divers' 'elmets, you ninny. Can't you see? he said. 'So they are, said Davis, with a gasp. 'And why? Oh, I see, it's for armour. 'Wot did I tell you? said Huish. 'Dyvid and Goliar all the w'y and back.