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"What can be better," said Sancho, "than 'never put thy thumbs between two back teeth; and 'to "get out of my house" and "what do you want with my wife?" there is no answer; and 'whether the pitcher hits the stove, or the stove the pitcher, it's a bad business for the pitcher; all which fit to a hair?

You get up in the small hours, dragged from a comfortable bed by some sportsman who, you feel, carries enthusiasm to a point where it ceases to be a virtue and becomes a nuisance. You get into flannels, and, still half asleep, stagger off to the field, where a hired ruffian hits you up catches which bite like serpents and sting like adders.

Old Trius of the pointed hat He wanders all around, And if he beats nobody, why There's no one to be found. Old Trius thinks: To spank a boy Is really very kind, And all he cannot hit in front At least he hits behind. Old Trius makes a pretty face With every blow he gives. He'll beat us all for many years, I'm thinking, if he lives.

The abri would not turn a direct explosion of a shell; but it would shield one against a glancing blow and against the shrapnel which sprays itself out from the point where the shell hits like a molten iron fountain. After the ninth bomb had come over we left the abri. The Germans had been allowancing Recicourt to nine a day. But that day they gave us three more prunes for dessert.

"Wouldn't cold reality force a change?" Stanton asked. "Ah. In some cases, yes. In most, no. Look: Suppose a primordial Nipe runs across a tiger or whatever passes for a tiger on their planet. He has never seen a tiger before, so he does not see that this particular tiger is old, ill, and weak. He hits it on the head, and it drops dead. He takes it home for the family to feed on.

I said then the fools would get enough of slavery before they'd done with it; and I reckon they're beginning to find it out, not only the rowdies, but the nabobs that set 'em on. War ain't a blessing, but it's a mighty great teacher; that's a fact. No wonder the slavites hated Phillips. He aims sure and hits hard. No use in trying to pass off shams upon him.

But I don't know that you'll find this spot very quiet once you start pooping off. This particular emplacement was spotted some two months ago by the wily Hun, and he got some direct hits on it with small stuff. Since then it hasn't been used. There are lots of others, you know." "I was ordered to come to this one," answered the boy doubtfully. "Right-oh! my dear fellow it's your funeral.

When once he hits upon one of these popular names, he is carried away for several pages, and insists on calling everybody Thomson. But occasionally he has an inspiration. Temistocle Zammit is a good name, though the humour of calling a famous musician Zimbalist is perhaps a little too obvious. In conclusion, one can say that while our author's merits are many, his faults are of no great moment.

"It hits me hard!" said he in an under-voice. "It MAY be true! I can't make it out. Certainly, if his birth was exactly when she says, he's mine.

"Of course he didn't. Andy hears your gun and he don't inquire further, but hits the first hole he kin crawl into. That's Andy! That's the kind of boy I hev to work for me. All the good ones goes where you're goin', where the grain grows without irrigation and the blacktail deer comes out on the hill and asks yu' to shoot 'em for dinner. Who's ready for the bottom?