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Updated: August 24, 2024

They're hikin', boy, they're hittin' it up for The Rolls! But what in the world has struck 'em?" He stood up straight in his saddle, swinging his head from east to west, but no band of horsemen met his eye.

Polly wondered, at these times, why the old man's stories were so suddenly cut short just as she was so "comfy" in the soft grass at his feet. The boys who used to "look sharp" because of their boss at loading time, now learned that they might loiter so long as "Muvver Jim" was "hikin' it round for the kid."

The two moved to the end of the station, from which strategic point both the main street, the National pike road, of course, and the new street running "cat-i-cornered" from the station to the creek bridge could be commanded. "Darned fool! is what he is! hikin' straight as a plumbline fur the crick. If he was worth it, I'd foller him." "Oh, the ornery pup will be back all right.

The last I seen of him he was hikin' for the Rockies with a blue haze round his hair." "But what in the world is wrong with him, Billy?" said Mandy anxiously. "I've never seen him this way." "No, nor me," said Billy. "The Doc's a pretty level headed cuss. There's somethin' workin' on him, if you ask me." "Billy, you get him and tell him we want to see him at breakfast, will you?"

Prostrate bodies in olive drab hid the patch of tender green grass by the roadside. The company was resting. Chrisfield sat on a stump morosely whittling at a stick with a pocket knife. Judkins was stretched out beside him. "What the hell do they make us do this damn hikin' for, Corp?" "Guess they're askeered we'll forgit how to walk."

In a minute out he came with a little round lookin'-glass and a piece of buckskin, and the last we seen of him he was hikin' down the street, grinnin' into that mirror as happy as a child and polishin' that tusk like it had started to rust. "Which I sure entitle a gratifyin' operation," said Mike. "I'm in no ways proud of the job," I told him. "I feel like I'd salted a mine."

"Where is she? Where is Joanne?" demanded Aldous. "Twenty feet behind you, Johnny, gagged an' trussed up nice as a whistle! If they hadn't stopped to do that work you wouldn't ha' seen her ag'in, Johnny s'elp me, God, you wouldn't! They was hikin' for the river. Once they had reached the Frazer, and a boat " He broke off to lead Aldous to a clump of dwarf spruce.

The dogs'll never hold 'im, Jimmy, an' if it don't get dark pretty soon there won't none of the bunch come back. They'll quit at dark if there's any left. The old fellow's got our wind, an' you can bet he knows what knocked him down up there on the snow. He's hikin' an' hikin' fast. When we see 'im ag'in it'll be twenty miles from here." Langdon went up for the guns.

Billy laughed and explained, and the other was relieved the red mark around Billy's wrist persisted in remaining uppermost in Bridge's mind. When they had eaten they lay back upon the grass and smoked some more of Bridge's tobacco. "Well," inquired Bridge, "what's doing now?" "Let's be hikin'," said Billy. Bridge rose and stretched. "'My feet are tired and need a change. Come on!

"It begins up at the first break we crossed, an' it ends down here where we came into this valley. It's about twenty-five miles up an' down. He don't touch the mount'ins west of this valley nor the mount'ins east of the other valleys an' he's dead certain to keep on makin' circles so long as we're after him. He's hikin' southward now on the other side of the range.

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