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Jansenius's helped him to compose an epitaph, and added to it a couple of pretty and touching stanzas, setting forth that Henrietta's character had been one of rare sweetness and virtue, and that her friends would never cease to sorrow for her loss. A tradesman who described himself as a "monumental mason" furnished a book of tomb designs, and Mr.

Then the conversation died away again, and they completed their two turns in silence; but Henrietta's heart began to fail her when she thought of going in without having her to greet. She lingered and could hardly resolve to go, but at length she entered, walked up the stairs, gave her shawl and bonnet to Beatrice, and tapped at Fred's door.

"What do you mean by what you said just now? You said that I was the immediate cause of the tragedy, and you say that you were talking of Henrietta's of Henrietta. I had nothing to do with her illness." Trefusis looked at her as if considering whether he would go any further. I am very glad she is not; so you need not reproach yourself on my account.

Her face was calmly set, wakeful, but unwrinkled: the creature did not count among timid girls or among civilized. She had got what she wanted from her madman mad in his impulses, mad in his reading of honour. She was the sister of Henrietta's husband. Henrietta bore the name she had quitted. Could madness go beyond the marrying of the creature?

Here was an unexpected difficulty, and she could do nothing but ride towards them, raising her whip in greeting. She said at once to Francis, 'Did you get my letter? She saw Henrietta's face flush angrily, but she knew that the time had come for her to speak. 'I asked you to meet me here. He was staring at her and his mouth moved mechanically. 'No, I didn't get it by the first post.

Sloughwoman man, I mean," said the delighted Squire, springing up and imprinting a kiss on Miss Henrietta's lips. "Sloughwoman, indeed! I'll not be slow in letting you know I think you are very hasty in your demonstrations. Wait until I give you leave," said the happy spinster. "I have waited long enough.

And Henrietta might be at home, he was reminded by hearing band-music as he followed the directions to the house named Stoneridge. The band consisted of eight wind instruments; they played astonishingly well for itinerant musicians. By curious chance, they were playing a selection from the Pirata; presently he heard the notes to 'il mio tradito amor. They had hit upon Henrietta's favourite piece!

When the bear-hunting began, that heroic cripple, Squire Gerzson, also appeared with Count Kengyelesy and numerous other familiar faces from distant counties, who had all met together on the day after Henrietta's wedding, and who regularly made Hidvár their autumn trysting-place.

There might have been jars and rubs, with Henrietta's jealous disposition there probably would have been, but they would have been as happy as the majority of married couples; she would have been happier, for to many people, even to some women, it is not, as it was to her, the all-sufficing condition of existence to love and be loved. At the end of the month Louie came home.

An unheralded invasion on the part of the physician from Cannes had delayed, by a day, Henrietta's promised descent upon, or rather ascent to, the Grand Hotel.