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Pendleton reached his highest vote of 156½ on the eighth ballot and thenceforward steadily declined. Meanwhile Hancock had been gaining as well as Hendricks. South Carolina, Virginia, and several other States changed to his support. Then Illinois broke from Pendleton and cast half her vote for Hendricks.

I see you suspect me, and maybe you've cause, but I'll be quite honest with you. I have dealt in diamonds before this with Hendricks. But to-day, when he asked me, I told him that that business was off. I only took him to my room to give him a drink. He likes brandy, and there's no supply in the shop.

Mr Hendricks briefly related to his companion the attack on the kraal, and the way in which the Zulu chief, his bride and the little boy had been rescued. "I intend to take the child with me, to leave him in charge of my good sister, Susannah Jansen," he added. "We may some day discover to whom he belongs, but I will, in the meantime, act the part of a guardian to him."

Whatever I make in this deal, and you seem to think our share will be plenty, goes to getting those farmers back their land. So far as I'm concerned that money we paid them was rent, not a loan!" Barclay dropped his hands in astonishment and gaped at Hendricks. "Well, my dear Miss Nancy," he exclaimed, "when did you get religion?"

Henderson, when proposing to modify the pending amendment, "to secure the franchise, and after that is secured, to go forward and establish civil governments in the Southern States." Extended arguments against the measure were made by Mr. Johnson and Mr. Hendricks.

Hendricks chuckled, as Willy Cameron led the way to his room. He wandered around the room while Cameron opened a window and slid the dog off his second chair. "Great snakes!" he said. "Spargo's Bolshevism! Political Economy, History of . What are you planning to be? President?" "I haven't decided yet. It's a hard job, and mighty thankless. But I won't be your mayor, even for you." Mr.

"Pray tell him that we like beer in moderation, but shall never be able to finish off one of these bowls," exclaimed Crawford. Hendricks assured the king that his young companions were anxious to please him; but that Englishmen's insides were not of the same magnificent capacity as His Majesty's, and that therefore it would be impossible for them to do as he desired.

"Don't let him tease you, Aunt Abby; he doesn't mean a word he says!" "Oh, but I do! I want to learn to read other people's thoughts not like our friend Hanlon, but really, by means of my senses and brain." "You prove you haven't any brain, when you talk like that!" put in Hendricks, contemptuously. "And you prove you haven't any sense," retorted Elliott "I say, who's for a walk?

In Sycamore Ridge every one knows Watts McHurdie, and every one takes pride in the fact that far and wide the Ridge is known as Watts McHurdie's town, and this too in spite of the fact that from Sycamore Ridge Bob Hendricks gained his national reputation as a reformer and the further fact that when the Barclays went to New York or Chicago or to California for the winter in their private car, they always registered from Sycamore Ridge at the great hotels.

They gazed, fascinated, while the strange visitor moved the skin of his forehead up and down and sideways, and in strange circular movements. He seemed distinctly proud of his accomplishment and paused for approbation. "Marvelous, Holmes, marvelous!" exclaimed Hendricks, who had discovered that Hanlon did not resent jocularity, "but what for?"