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But it kep' holt of Dorlesky: it bound her tight to her uncle, while he run through with what little property she had; while he sunk lower and lower, until at last he needed the very necessaries of life; and then he bound her out to work, to a woman who kep' a drinkin'-den, and the lowest, most degraded hant of vice.

Sho de dead can hant you if war not good to dem wen dey is livin'. Signs en sech things is going out of style now but Lor wen I was a chile why seems like things war better cause of dem." Nannie is a tall bright negro holding herself very straight, with real white long hair. Her hair is very fine and wavy. Her cabin home was immaculate, furnished very neatly in the now prevailing style.

He vill leef everytink positifely in your hands. Frankhauser sess de same. Vot Haeckelheimer sess he doess. Now dere you are. It's up to you. I vish you much choy. It is no small chop you haff, beating de newspapers, unt you still haff Hant unt Schryhart against you. Mr.

"I dunno, suh, dat I don't, caze she ain' no better'n one er dese yer wish-wishys,* an' I ain' mek out yit ef'n twuz her er her hant. Las' night 'bout sundown dar she wuz a-lappin' her sasser er milk right at ole miss feet, en dis mawnin' at sunup dar she warn't. Dat's all I know, suh, ef'n you lay me out." * Will-o'-the-wisp. "Well, I reckon she'll turn up agin," said Peterkin consolingly.

"A good ghost would fit in nicely here, wouldn't it or he, or she. Its spookship would travel far to find a more delightful place for spooking in, and providing, of course, she were a perfectly respectable hant what a charming addition to our family he would make.

"Yes, I am a minister," Cameron answered, wondering much at the appearance of the darkey and his strange turn-out. And as he climbed up to the board seat, he questioned his guide rather sharply, but the only answer he could get was: "Mistah Goodrich dun tol' me ter hol' ma tongue er he'd hant me, an' I'm shor goin' t' do hit.

A bright recollection flashed across the Doctor's memory. "Narcisse!" "Yesseh!" "Go to Number 40 Custom-house street and inquire for Mr. Fledgeling; or, if he isn't in, for Mrs. Fledge humph! Richling, I mean; I" Narcisse laughed aloud. "Ha-ha-ha! daz de way, sometime'! My hant she got a honcl' he says, once 'pon a time" "Never mind! Go at once!" "All a-ight, seh!" "Give him this card" "Yesseh!"

The bleary eyes looked up unknowing, half resentful of his intrusion. "Aunt Sally!" impulsively cried the boyish voice. "Aren't you Aunt Sally?" The woman looked stupidly surprised. "I be," she said thickly, "but wot's that to yous? I beant no hant o' yourn." "Don't you remember Mikky?" he asked almost anxiously, for now the feeling had seized him that he must make her remember.

Heliopolis hain't so grand lookin' as its name. It is a little Arab town six miles from Cairo. The low houses are made of mud and nasty inside, I believe; they don't look much like Jonesville houses. The oldest and greatest college once stood here. Here, too, wuz the hant of that immortal bird, the Phenix, who raised himself to life every five hundred years.

"You shall hafe no more debts I shall arrange mit Eugenie, an' in ein mont you shall go 'vay from dese rooms and go to dat little palace. Vas a pretty hant. Gife it me dat I shall kiss it." Esther gave him her hand as a dog gives a paw. "Ach, ja! You shall gife de hant, but not de heart, and it is dat heart I lofe!"