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"Then," protested Evander, "when I have stared my fill at your meditative cabbage I shall entreat no more of your kindness but that you convoy me to the safe port of the library, where I shall be content enough." "As you please," Halfman responded. "I was never a bookish man; I care for no books but play-books and these I carry here," and he beat his brown forehead.

I will back our white coats against Master Hampden's green coats, or Essex's swarm in orange-tawny. Have you conveyed my message to my two miserly neighbors?" "I sent Clupp to Master Hungerford," Halfman answered, "and Garlinge to Master Rainham, bidding them to your presence peremptory.

Here in a window-seat, out of ear-shot of the other's speech, he seated himself to commune with his melancholy reflections, while Halfman, after stationing Thoroughgood at a little distance as a nominal guard upon the prisoner, dismissed Garlinge and Clupp from the room and rejoined the Cavaliers. Brilliana, who had still been standing with Sir Rufus, now addressed the others.

"Master Rainham's miserliness keeps but a small retinue. You will meet with no resistance. Go forth, my knight." Master Paul almost skipped with delight and he cracked his fingers vigorously. He seemed even less pleasing merry than terrified. "You call me your knight." He turned and took Halfman to witness. "She calls me her knight. I'll do it. I'll do it," he voiced, exultingly.

"Hail, friend," sang out Halfman, and "Stand, stranger," answered the man with the musketoon. Halfman eyed him good-humoredly. "You do not carry your weapon well," he commented. "Were I hostile and armed you would be a dead jack before you could bring butt to shoulder. Yet you are a soldierly fellow and wear a fighting face."

Evander hurriedly made a couch of chairs and bade them lay their burden on it, that he might examine the wound. Brilliana bent over him. "Oh, my dear friend," she sobbed. The sound of her voice seemed to awaken Halfman. He opened his eyes. "Lift me up," he said, feebly, to his supporters. He looked at Brilliana. "Lady, you have been deceived. Sir Randolph escaped from his enemies.

"Name it and it is done," Halfman asseverated, with an oath, "were it to pluck a purple hair for you from the beard of the Grand Cham himself." "'Tis no such matter," Evander answered. "I do but entreat you of your courtesy to take back your ring, for which in very truth I have no use." Halfman protested a little for form's sake, then gave way, glad enough to pouch his jewel again.

'Well, thought Halfman, 'my conscience is clear anyway, for it is quite plain he coveted my wife, and that is why he tried to drown me. He went at once to his father's room, and found him sitting in tears on the floor. 'Dear father, said Halfman, 'are you not glad to see me? You weep for my brother, but I am your son too, and he stole my bride from me and tried to drown me in the brook.

As at length it yielded the man of Harby opened one-half wide enough to admit the passage of a human body, and signalled to Halfman to come through. Halfman, smilingly observant, obeyed the invitation, and looked about him reflective while the gate was again put to and the key again turned in the lock to the same protesting discord.

Hearing the footsteps behind him, Evander halted till Halfman joined him. "How the devil came you to fathom flower knowledge?" Halfman asked. Evander smiled faintly. "I would rather you unsaddled the devil from your question," he answered, rebuking in his mind a woman; "but I have always loved gardens.