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With this, Hurliguerly swallowed his last glass of whisky at a gulp I thought the glass would have gone down with the liquor bestowed a patronizing smile on me, and departed. An hour later, I met the innkeeper on the port, and told him what had occurred. “Ah! that Hurliguerly!” said he, “always the old story.

"All right, then," said Haw-Haw. "Jest one more." And he poured a glass to the brim, waved it gracefully towards the others without spilling a drop, and downed it at a gulp. "Ben in town long?" he asked. "Not long enough to find any action," answered the other. The eye of Haw-Haw Langley brightened. He looked over the two carefully.

The form, leaning back against the next row of desks, settled itself comfortably for the address from the throne. "I have lost one of my shoes, sir." A kind of gulp escaped from Mr. Downing's lips. He stared at Mike for a moment in silence. Then, turning to Stone, he told him to start translating. Stone, who had been expecting at least ten minutes' respite, was taken unawares.

But the New Yorker still looks very shrewd and robbed and begins to gulp the champagne in a greedy manner. You can hear him calling Jake a confederate. Jake sees it plain enough, that the lad thinks he's been high-graded, so he calls over our waiter and crowds all five watches onto him.

Then he added, "No, I'm not angry with you, in spite of your not having been to see me for so long. Take a seat, brother, there, sit down." He dragged a chair nearer with his heavy foot, and smiled at the schoolmaster, who was sitting near him with such a pale face and such hollow eyes. "Drink, friend, drink," said Mr. Tiralla, as he seized his glass and finished it in one gulp. "Pooh!"

Russia favoured the idea of union, 'to swallow the two principalities at a gulp, as a contemporary diplomatist maliciously suggested; while Austria opposed it strongly.

Gilian ceased to make the pictures in his mind. "I met her ghost up there on the road this very night, and I had a hand below her chin," said the Cornal with a gulp. "You did not dare, you did not dare!" cried his brother, an apple-red upon his check, and half rising in his chair. "Surely, surely in a ghost," said the Cornal. "I would never have mentioned it had it been herself. Sit down, Dugald.

No. 8. C. W. Jr. The boy lost no time in obeying this command, and sank into his chair in the designated alcove with a sigh of relief. He mopped his brow and drank off a glass of ice water at a gulp. It was a warm October day, and the sixteen flights had been somewhat trying. He asked for his father's card, and then sat studying the attractive menu.

But recovering himself, with a big gulp in his throat he turned to the chaplain and said, 'Did you read the full service over him to-day, Mr. "'I did, sir, as well as I can remember, replied Mr. "'Then, sir, said the commodore, turning to Mr. Bispham and speaking in an authoritative tone, 'we must send a boat and bring him on board. "'O Lord! O Lord! bring a ghost on board! groaned the men.

It was almost the only sign of any uncertainty in her English; and while the poor clergyman, not quite understanding in his own emotion what she was saying, made an effort to gulp it down and bring himself to the level of ordinary life, the little stir of the bringing-in of tea suddenly converted everything into commonplace.