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Owing to this prospect Olivia had been compelled to decline a comte and a vicomte of crusading ancestry, procured at some pains by Madame de Melcourt; but when she also refused the eminently eligible Duc de Berteuil, whose terms in the way of dowry were reasonable, while he offered her a splendidly historic name and background, the Marquise not unnaturally lost her temper and declared that she washed her hands of her grandniece once for all.

O'Grady, "fetch Mary Ellen as quick as you can." "Is it Mary Ellen?" "It is. Get her at once, and don't argue." "But sure Mary Ellen's not the grandniece of any General." "She's the only grandniece we can possibly get on such short notice," said Dr. O'Grady. "I don't know," said Sergeant Colgan, "will Mr. Gallagher be too well pleased. Mary Ellen's a cousin of his own."

Though she had several wealthy relatives, the Countess de Gramont was the only one who offered her unsheltered youth an asylum. Perhaps we ought not to analyze too minutely the motives of the noble lady, for fear that we might find her actuated less by a charitable impulse than by pride which would not allow it to be said that her grandniece ever lacked, or had to solicit, a home.

His roar was far worse than his attack as the lads well knew, as sitting no, sprawling upon the big claw-foot sofa they did not hesitate to let fly a projectile or two in return, only to howl at the result, for well both knew his weakness for his grandniece. "She could wind him around her little finger," they said. A moment later Mrs.

Prest, half-sententiously and yet also somewhat as if she were ashamed of making a speech so little in the real tone of Venice. As if a woman needed an excuse for having loved the divine poet! The niece, according to Mrs. Prest, was not so old, and she risked the conjecture that she was only a grandniece.

Aunt Mary was already dressed, though it was only nine o'clock, and was seated before an open bureau drawer, which her grandniece had learned to recognize as a good sign. Aunt Mary had endless treasures of the past carefully tucked away in little bundles and boxes, and she liked to look these over, and to show them to Betty, and tell their history.

To one of its handles was tied a card, on which was printed in big letters: "A Christmas Present, with wishes for a very merry Christmas, from Uncle 'Christmas' to his grandniece Ruth Elmer." "Oh! oh! oh! ain't it lovely?" cried Ruth. "Dear old 'Uncle Christmas! And I thought he had forgotten me, and only remembered Mark, too."

"A true democrat, the General, if ever there was one. I daresay he often cooked chops himself, when campaigning I mean, and was jolly glad to get chops to cook." "So you," said Mr. Billing, addressing Mary Ellen, "are the grandniece of the great General?" "I might be," she said. "And I am to have the privilege gentlemen, please stand a little aside. I wish to " Mr.

"Provided, that in case the said Gloriana McWhirk shall marry, or shall no longer so employ this property, or in case that she shall die, said property is to revert to my above-named grandniece, Faith Henderson Gartney, for her and her heirs, to their use and behoof forever.

In the same year he married the wife who survives him a grandniece of Captain White, who was so atrociously murdered at Salem, six years before, and whose murderers might have escaped the gallows but for the genius and astuteness of Daniel Webster.