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Updated: August 12, 2024

In the first few days we learned a little of the set-up; HQ was to be the gun operations room, the GOR, from which the AA guns surrounding Bristol would be directed. Some of us would be GOR personnel, others would form the Line Section maintaining communications with the gun sites, while a few would be responsible for the Quartermaster's stores and general clerical work.

"No, never 'ad none, and yet 'ud play the drum wi' 'is toes and fire off a horse pistol. Lor, you would 'er laughed to 'av zeen 'im. 'E made fine sport for the folks 'e did." Jackie Deeds had recovered his good-humour. He peered up into the boy's face again maliciously, and broke into cheerless, creaking merriment. "Gor a'mighty 'as 'is jokes too," he said.

I goes out an' picks cotton in de fall, an' I does arrants an' little jobs roun' de house fer folks w'at 'll hire me; an' w'en I ain' got nothin' ter eat I kin gor oun' ter de ole house an' wo'k in de gyahden er chop some wood, an' git a meal er vittles f'om ole Mis' Nichols, who's be'n mighty good ter me, suh. She's de barbuh's wife, suh, w'at bought ouah ole house.

Each site acknowledged receipt of a message by pressing a button, this caused the appropriate light to glow in the GOR. In this way messages could be broadcast to all sites at once; those sites whose lights did not glow were contacted again individually and the message repeated.

But sure, if we had a gridiron, we could dress a beefstake, says I. "'Arrah! but where's the beefstake? says he. "'Sure, couldn't we cut a slice aff the pork, says I. "'Be gor, I never thought o' that, says the captain. 'You're a clever fellow, Paddy, says he, laughin'. "'O, there's many a thrue word said in joke, says I. "'Thrue for you, Paddy, says he.

Yes, yes it must be a great savin', havin' no children of your own, but do it warrant pig's liver an' bacon of a Saturday? Oh, my Gor, I'll make your two ends meet afore I've done with 'ee! I'll tell 'ee the savin' of lard 'pon butter! I'll tell 'ee about nettle-broth an' bread-crumbs for a child's diet! I'll "

Murray gave him the Convoy, and was absent four days. A few days after this, Pickle met, by meare accident, Goring going to Ld. Mrl. Gor was then upon his way to England where he did not tarry above six days. St. There is few weeks but Sir J. H-a-r-t-n leeves messages by means of the Smugglers.

"Shut that door, durn yuh! I can't keep 'em down all night." Mahon was obeying mechanically when the Indian dashed through. "Gor-swizzle, if he ain't the spunkiest chap I ever set eyes on. Jes' swaggered up that path like he was out fer a walk. . . . But plumb loco'ed! An' whistlin'! Oh, gor!" The Sergeant leaned heavily against the table, staring into the darkness toward the familiar voice.

We all helped to clear away in order to dance afterwards, and as I ran into the cook-house with some plates I met the mechanic laden with the tray from his hut. The momentary glimpse of the Vie Parisienne was almost too much for the good Brown. I heard a startled "Gor blimee! Miss" and saw his eyes popping out of his head as he just prevented the tray from eluding his grasp!

"True for you, Master Strammers," cried Paddy enthusiastically. "It is in the way of being a good thing. There you are now. Ay, that's it. A good thing! Sure." "Ay," said Strammers, deeply moved by this appreciation, which he had believed should always have existed. "Ay, I spoke well." "Well would be no name for it," responded Paddy fervidly. "By gor, and I wish you were knowing Father Corrigan.

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