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Updated: August 21, 2024

What what guidsake, laddie! dinna tell me ye've been thinkin' o' enlistin'! 'I've enlisted. Mr. Purdie fell back in his chair. 'The 9th H.L.I., said Macgregor, and, as if to improve matters if possible, added, 'Glesca Hielanders Kilts. The successful grocer sat up, pulled down his waistcoat and made a grimace which he imagined to be a frown.

Weel, I had a late pass that nicht, an' I thocht I wud miss seein' ma aunt's ugly for wance though it meant missin' a guid meal forbye. So when I got to Glesca I picked up thon fat girl we used to fling rubbish at when we was young. An', by Jings, she was pleased an' prood!

The traveller, after making sure that Dobson was looking, furtively slipped the key of the trunk into his knapsack. "Well, good-bye, Auntie Phemie," he said. "I'm sure you've been awful kind to me, and I don't know how to thank you for all you're sending." "Tuts, Dickson, my man, they're hungry folk about Glesca that'll be glad o' my scones and jeelie.

'An' though I've come back to Glesca, I'm no' seeking onything frae ony o' ye; I can fend for mysel'. Walter remained silent for a little. The subject was one of extreme delicacy, and he did not know how to pursue it. He feared that all was not with his sister as it should be, but he feared the result of further questions. 'What's the guid o' me gaun hame wi' you the nicht?

"If Miss Sheila was here, it would be no going away to Glesca without any things wis you, as if you wass a poor traffelin tailor that hass nothing in the world but a needle and a thimble mirover. And what will the people in Styornoway hef to say, and sa captain of sa steamboat, and Scarlett? I will hef no peace from Scarlett if you wass going away like this.

At sight of Teen, Liz Hepburn betrayed more emotion than in meeting with her brother. 'Eh, I've fund ye at last! I said I was bound to find ye if ye were in Glesca, Teen cried, and her plain face was glorified with the joy of the meeting. 'Oh, Liz, what it's been to me no' kennin' whaur ye were! But, I say, hoo do you twa happen to be thegither?

'Oh, she's gaun the nicht, whether you let her or no', was the calm answer. 'And as to being impident, some folk ca's the truth impidence, because they're no' accustomed to it. But aboot Wat, ye ken as weel as me, ye micht seek east an' west through Glesca an' no' get sic anither. He's ower honest. You raise his wages, or he'll quit, if I should seek a place for him mysel'.

An old woman smiled rather sadly, but very kindly, in their direction, and Macgregor reddened, while Willie spat in defiance of the displayed regulation. As the journey proceeded, their talk dwindled. It was after a long pause that Willie said: 'Ye'll be for hame as sune as we get to Glesca eh? 'Ay. . . . An' you'll be for yer aunt's eh?

'I could keep ye on board for the whole voyage, he went on, 'but ye wouldna be permitted to land. If ye're seekin' enjoyment, it would be a poor job sittin' on this deck and admirin' the works o' God and no allowed to step on the pier-head. Ye should have applied to the military gentlemen in Glesca. But ye've plenty o' time to make up your mind afore we get to Oban.

With these words Mr. Purdie placed five notes in his astonished nephew's hand and bade him begone. 'Ye maun tell yer mither instanter. I canna understan' what way ye didna tell her first. 'I I was feart I wud maybe be ower wee for the Glesca Hielanders, Macgregor explained. 'Ye seem to me to be a heid taller since yesterday. Weel, weel. God bless ye an' so forth.

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