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Updated: August 28, 2024

It seemed, however, to many of us I have heard both Drumsheugh and Burnbrae say this, each in his own way that it needed adversity to bring out the greatness of the Doctor, just as frost gives the last touch of ripeness to certain fruits. "Fower letters the day, Doctor, ane frae Dunleith, ane frae Glasgie, another frae Edinburgh, and the fourth no clean stampit, so a' can say naethin' aboot it.

"I say, Lorimer," he said, with his deep-set, small grey eyes sparkling with mischief. "'Twould be grand fun to see auld Dyceworthy's face when he hears o't. By the Lord! He'll fall to cursin' an' swearin' like ma pious aunt in Glasgie, or that auld witch that cursed Miss Thelma yestreen!" "An eminently unpleasant old woman she was!" said Lorimer musingly. "I wonder what she meant by it!"

Macfarlane, who had preserved a discreet silence throughout the whole scene, here looked up. "She's just a screech-owl o' mistaken piety," he said. "She minds me o' a glowerin' auld warlock of an aunt o' mine in Glasgie, wha sits in her chair a' day wi' ae finger on the Bible.

He's been hunted out o' his place in Yorkshire for carryin' on love-affairs wi' the women o' his congregation. One day he locked himsel' in the vestry wi' the new-married wife o' one o' his preencipal supporters an' he had a grand time of it till the husband came an' dragged him oot an' thrashed him soundly. Then he left the neighborhood an' just th' ither day he turned up in Glasgie."

"We'll be in dock the night, and when you're goin' back to Glasgie ye can think of us loadin' her down an' drivin' her forth all for your sake." In the next few days they stowed some four thousand tons dead-weight into the Dimbula, and took her out from Liverpool. As soon as she met the lift of the open water, she naturally began to talk.

"I'll tell my aunt in Glasgie aboot it. This Nifleheim wad suit her pairfectly, she wad send a' her relations there wi' tourist tickets, not available for the return journey!" "It seems to me," observed Errington, "that the Nine Worlds of Nifleheim have a resemblance to the different circles of Dante's Purgatory." "Exactly so," said Lorimer.

The crew stand and row long oars and sing as they swing, and you think of Vikings, Pirates, and Argosies.... But down in the lower deck beside Denny's engines it feels quite homely, as if you were going "doon the water" in sunny June the engines running as smoothly and quietly as if they were muscles and bones instead of hard steel and 900 H.-P. engineers, engines, and hull all frae Glasgie, all from banks of old Cleutha.

"We'll be in dock the night, and when you're goin' back to Glasgie ye can think of us loadin' her down an' drivin' her forth all for your sake." In the next few days they stowed some four thousand tons dead-weight into the Dimbula, and took her out from Liverpool. As soon as she met the lift of the open water, she naturally began to talk.

"Where do you hail from, Mac?" asked Lorimer, as he made the new-comer sit down at their table. "We haven't heard of you for an age." "It is a goodish bit of time," assented Macfarlane, "but better late than never. I came up to London a week ago from Glasgie, and my heed has been in a whirl ever since. Eh, mon! but it's an awful place! maybe I'll get used to't after a wee whilie."

"Naethin', Doctor, worth mentionin', except the failure o' a company Glasgie wy; it's been rotten, a' wes hearin', for a while, an' noo it's fair stramash. They say it 'll no be lichtsome for weedows an' mony decent fouk in Scotland." "That's bad news, Posty. There 's too many of those swindling concerns in the country.

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