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Updated: August 26, 2024

"Oh, yes," said the small star gazer, "I know as much as any of them about the style of sleeves they're going to wear next fall in Mars." "Well, really!" said Miss Longnecker. "The star you refer to is Gamma, of the constellation Cassiopeia. It is nearly of the second magnitude, and its meridian passage is " "Oh," said the very young Mr. Evans, "I think Billy Jackson is a much better name for it."

I wouldn't have thy mother touch it to-day." "I've got a gamma to my house," said Katie, passing her little fingers over Mrs. Read's white kerchief; "but um don't have hang-fiss on um neck." "Yes," said Mrs. Read, in reply to the children's question, "tell your mother I will take some coffee to-night, and she is very kind to inquire." On the whole, the supper that evening was quite a success. Mr.

None of them could produce anything but hydroponic and tissue-culture foodstuffs, and natural foods from Poictesme had been less expensive, even on the planets of Gamma and Beta. So Poictesme had concentrated on agriculture and grown wealthy at it. Then, within fifty years of Genji Gartner's death, the economics of interstellar trade overtook the Trisystem and the mines and factories closed down.

Parlin washed the little pilferer's face and hands, took her in her lap, and tried to feel her way through the cotton wool to the tiny conscience. The child looked up and listened to all the good words, and when they had been spoken over and over, this was what she said: "O, gamma, you's got such pitty little wrinkles!"

It seemed fairly simple to Bart; he tried it, and to his own surprise, won. Old Rugel touched a lever at the side of the room. With a tiny whishing sound, shutters opened, the light of Procyon Alpha flooded them and he looked out through a great viewport into bottomless space. Procyon Alpha, Beta and Gamma hung at full, rings gently tilted.

"Gamma, I hasn't been a-touchin' your 'serves," repeated the little thief. "Ah, don't tell me that," said grandma, sadly; "I see it in your eye!" "What, gamma, the 'serves in my eye?" said Flyaway, putting up her finger to find out for herself. "'Cause I put 'em in my mouf, I did." Mrs.

Why, sometimes just from the angle at which a person lifts his head to listen, you can tell if he has executive ability or not. Before the bell rang at the end of the hour, we were awfully enthusiastic about reading character. The first thing Robbie Belle did was to stumble over the threshold. "Oho!" jeered Berta, "you're careless. That's as easy as alpha, beta, gamma."

They went and stood at the very foot of the quartz window, seeming to tread the brink of a dizzying gulf of cosmic space, and talked in low tones while Alpha and Beta and Gamma swelled like blown-up balloons in the port. Tommy listened, almost incredulous. "And you're hoping to find your father, with no more information than that? It's a big universe," he said, waving at the gulf of stars.

In briefly considering these three phenomena, I shall choose radium compounds as representative of the class of radio-active substances. Radium compounds spontaneously give off energy in the form of heat. Radium compounds send forth three kinds of rays, distinguished as alpha, beta, and gamma rays.

While The Song ran and raped it with the cataleptic kick of 'Ta-ra-ra-boom-de-ay, multiplied by the West African significance of 'Everybody's doing it, plus twice the infernal elementality of a certain tune in Dona et Gamma; when for all practical purposes, literary, dramatic, artistic, social, municipal, political, commercial, and administrative, the Earth was flat, the Rector of Huckley wrote to us again as a lover of accuracy to point out that the Huckley vote on 'the alleged flatness of this scene of our labours here below' was not unanimous; he and the doctor having voted against it.

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