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They heard the maid's voice, then a cry of "At last!" and Emma Dean fairly charged into their midst. "I never was so glad to see any one in all my life," she cried, with a joyful wave of her hand. "How I have missed you while you have been gallivanting about New York without giving the friend of your freshman days a thought. You might have sent me a postcard, you know."

They didn't go gallivanting around: they stayed home and did their knitting!" the old lady scolded, but as she lacked an audience her temper soon cooled and she went about her work thinking only of her one great interest in life, Colonel Baxter and his daughter, Bet. "Bless the child, she's the most provoking thing I've ever seen, but she's so kind to me, too.

"There'll be no need for Uncle William to work hard when my play is produced," he said. "Ah, quit blethering about hard work," Uncle William exclaimed, bending to the oars. "Sure, I'd be demented mad if I hadn't my work to do. What would an old fellow like me do gallivanting up and down the shore in my bare feet, paddling like a child in the water! Have sense, do, all of you.

I had to see to the children's tea myself. And how do I know where she's been? gallivanting round to all sorts of places! I tell you, young lady, you needn't think you're going to walk in here at midnight as if nothing was the matter." "I never expected to," said Cecilia cheerfully. "But it was worth it." Bob regarded her in solemn admiration.

The brother-in-law eyed her with bewildered disapproval, and in the disjointed accents peculiar to surprise was heard to make use of the words "friskiness" and "gallivanting" and "old enough to know better." Her relatives' remarks, however, caused Mrs. Banks comparatively little pain.

Probably they hope to start a big row among us that way." "We'll await Weir's advice." "Well, I've waited all I'm going to to-night. Seems to me for a steady, quiet, self-respecting, dignified, unhooked, unmarried, unmortgaged, unromantic man he's skylarking and gallivanting around pretty late."

However, from your description of the affair, I do not doubt that gallivanting, stark-naked princess thought you were for taking what did not belong to you. Therefore I burned the feather, lest it be recognized and bring you to the gallows or to a worse place. So why did you not scrape your feet before coming into my clean kitchen? and how many times do you expect me to speak to you about that?"

Would anything ever blot out those awful words: "If you would tend to your husband and your home a little more, and go gallivanting off with Calderwell and Arkwright and Alice Greggory a little less "? It seemed now that always, for evermore, they would ring in her ears; always, for evermore, they would burn deeper and deeper into her soul.

"The rogue is missing. I dare say he is gallivanting around some neighbor's back yard. I haven't laid eyes on him this morning. I believe he realizes that he will see me frequently hereafter, and has not bothered his head to look me up." "Frequently?" She turned her head. "Yes. I am coming home to live.

But I might have stood all that for a while yet; I might have given Isabel the benefit of the doubt, since she had asked Paula to chaperon her, and might have found out too late that she had gone for she was gallivanting herself all day; I might have overlooked his staying so often till ten-thirty although I maintain that an unmarried girl living alone on a ranch without even female help is a disgrace to any community yes, I might have swallowed that for a while longer; but this morning at three o'clock I saw with my own eyes, ladles Mr.