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On my word, you do need a guardian gallivanting round the world with all these treasures. Queer what things we do when we try to forget. Is there any desperate plunge we wouldn't take if we thought we could leave the Old Man of the Sea behind? You think you're forgetting when you fly across half the world for a string of glass beads.

Darius looked concerned, and his dry face wrinkled still more. "Ah, and when was this word come, your honour?" "But yesterday, Boland, and he'll do well to obey, for I have no choice but to take him in hand if he goes gallivanting." "Gallivanting here, in Jamaica! Does your honour remember where we are?" "Not in a bishop's close, Boland."

She never stirs from one year's end to the other, the old witch; she quite rots in the place, her legs have always got something the matter with them, and now all on a sudden she goes gallivanting about!" "Suppose we question the porter?" "What for?" "To find out where she's gone and when she will be back." "Hum! the deuce! question! but she never goes anywhere."

There were the original bodies, it is true, but where were their manes and tails? A scrubby, pickety ridge along the neck, and a bare stump projecting behind, were all that remained of the flowing honors with which they had come gallivanting down to "bear away the bell" at Hickory Creek, or, in the emphatic language of the country, "to take the rag off the bush."

I want only all your time tomorrow, and all Hiram's time, after you have fed the stock." "All our time! "Yes, the entire day, in which you both are to do just what I wish. You are not going gallivanting to the city, but will have to work hard." "Well, I'm beat! I don't know what you want any more than I did at first." "Yes, you do your time and Hiram's." "Give it up.

"With the Government in Ottawa, and the Company in Winnipeg." "Hell's bells!" cried Orcutt. "That means we'll be gallivanting all over Canada for the next week or ten days. Well, it can't be helped. I know John McNabb well enough not to leave any loop-hole for him to take advantage of." He called to the guides. "Hey, you Injuns! What's the quickest way to the railroad?"

She gave us an exiguous meal at an extortionate charge, and refused to put more than two of us up; so, on the advice of two gallivanting lancers who had escaped from the Curragh for some supper, we called in the aid of the police, and were billeted magnificently on the village. A moderate breakfast at an unearthly hour, a trouble with the starting up of our bikes, and we were off again.

Her brows were together in an ugly scowl. "Well!" she exclaimed. "So you go gallivanting about with boys in your old age! Aren't you ashamed to make such an exhibition of yourself?" Abby felt as if a hot palm had struck her face. Then a new spirit, born of caressed vanity, asserted itself. "Wouldn't you have done the same if you had been asked?" she demanded.

"She's gone to the Continent and left no address," he said quickly. "Ask him if Lady Margaret is there," suggested Robin. Mr. Manderton spoke into the telephone again. Lady Margaret had gone to bed, Bude answered, and her ladyship was much put out by Miss Trevert gallivanting off like that by herself with only a scribbled note left to say that she had gone. Had Bude got the note? No, Mr.

That's true. . . . The cocks are not crowing yet, and he is already up and about. . . . Another man would be asleep, or gallivanting with visitors at home, but he is on the steppe all day, . . . on his rounds. . . . He does not let things slip. . . . No-o! He's a fine fellow. . ." Varlamov was talking about something, while he kept his eyes fixed.