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That sort like gallivanting about with actresses better than scribbling on sheets of paper, it seems. Oh! they are queer customers, they are. Hope I may have the honor of seeing you again."

And then she very distinctly heard old Batchgrew exclaim "And they go gallivanting off together to the cinema!" Upon which ensued another silence. Rachel flushed with shame, fury, and apprehension. She hated Batchgrew, and Louis, and all gross masculine invaders. The mysterious silence within the room persisted. And then old Batchgrew violently opened the door and glared at Rachel.

So keep your eyes open, Billy, while you're gallivanting over the valley." The next night Billy failed to return, and at nine o'clock a Glen Ellen boy on horseback delivered a telegram. Billy had sent it from Lake County. He was after horses for Oakland. Not until the third night did he arrive home, tired to exhaustion, but with an ill concealed air of pride.

But John was not done with the subject. "I'm a bit beyond the age of it myself," he said; "but that's no reason why I shouldn't have eyes in my head. I know how much put about you are to have this young fellow gallivanting round the lady." "Jealous, you mean," I cried. "I didn't think of putting it that way." "No; it's too straightforward a way for you, ever the roundabout way for you.

Or Nagasaki, Helena little brown folks running about, and all the world white in blossoms. All the world, Helena, with only you and I in it, and with not a care until, at least, we have eaten the last of our tinned goods of the ship's supplies; since I am poor. But if I could give you all that, would I be nice?" "Would that suit you, Harry?" she asked soberly; "just gallivanting?"

He could not understand why his employer's son should be gallivanting around the city in company with such questionable looking characters, even though one of them might be the famous "man with the microscopic eye," but he was far from realizing that he and his car would help to make history before morning.

If they did, then once in a while they'd think about something else besides loud ties and silk socks and golf. And they wouldn't be gallivanting off on house-parties for a week at a time, either; they'd be tending to their business if they had any. And if they hadn't, they ought to."

All because of this hateful man! He fought to hold back his tears. Dinner was over at last. David mumbled his excuses and ducked out of the dining room, but Aunt Amy seized him firmly just as he thought he had got away. "Bedtime for you, David," she said firmly. "Oh, Aunt Amy, please! I've got to " "Upstairs, young man. You've had enough gallivanting around for one day. You're all worn out."

I will drive him to the place where he is to meet her, and when he gets her to the door of his lodging I shall jump off and give my citizen such a thrashing as will put a stop to his gallivanting for some time. I will give you ten crowns for the use of your coach for an hour." "Agreed!" the coachman said.

"Oh," she proceeded, benevolently and reassuringly, "I mean it. I'm not gallivanting about. I mean that if you want my opinion I fancy we could make a match of it." It was at this point that he saw stars. He also saw a faint and delicious blush on her face, whose complexion was extraordinarily fresh and tender. She sipped China tea, holding each finger wide apart from the others.