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The old man, with an apologetic action of his head and hands, as not comprehending the master's meaning, addressed to him a look of mute inquiry. 'You can't be a gallivanting dodger, said Fledgeby. 'For you're a "regular pity the sorrows", you know if you DO know any Christian rhyme "whose trembling limbs have borne him to" et cetrer.

Or do they go with it?" "No," said Dick quickly; "the servants left with their old master, when Ringstone bought the property. But we'll find servants enough in the neighborhood Mexican peons and Indians, you know." Aunt Viney sniffed. "And you'll have to entertain if it's a big house. There are all your Spanish neighbors. They'll be gallivanting in and out all the time."

That sort like gallivanting about with actresses better than scribbling on sheets of paper, it seems. Oh! they are queer customers, they are. Hope I may have the honor of seeing you again."

"No, not in a bishop's close, nor in an archdeacon's garden. For of all places on earth where they defy religion, this is the worst, your honour. There's as much religion here as you'll find in a last year's bird's- nest. Gallivanting where should he gallivant?" The governor waved a contemptuous hand. "It doesn't need ingenuity to find a place, for some do it on their own estate. I have seen it."

"Have you girls any friends here this evening or are you expecting any?" she demanded. Of a surety, no! as the padrona knew it was not night for church. "Very well," returned Aunt Viney; "I thought I heard your voices in the garden; understand, I want no gallivanting there. Go to bed." She was relieved! Dick certainly was not guilty of a low intrigue with one of the maids.

She had never really known before just how much it meant to her! "I knew no earthly good would come of it," she said, with a satisfied, I-told-you-so air. "You've come back home sick, after gallivanting around in the city, for me to nurse. And my hands full as they are! I knew just exactly how it would be!" But Arethusa did not mind this scolding.

"You gallivanting young idiot, where did you pick up that dimity?" he demanded of me as he laid a large hand with long strong fingers on my shoulders and gave me a slight shake. "Don't tell me it was over Pat Whitworth you had that ruckus at the Ritz-Carlton day before yesterday!"

They had imbibed something of the Mallett reserve and they did not wish the family affairs to be blabbed at every house in Radstowe. But when the man had gone, Susan reminded Cook of her early disapproval of that ball. It would kill Miss Caroline, it would kill Mrs. Sales. 'She wasn't there, poor thing, Cook said. 'But he was, gallivanting. I dare say it upset her. Susan was right.

Bjerregrav solemnly raised the fingers of his right hand to his lips, a gesture which had all the appearance of a surviving vestige of the sign of the cross. "You and your wits!" hissed Jeppe contemptuously. "You, who throw your money away over the first tramp you meet! And you defend an abominable agitator, who never goes out by daylight like other people, but goes gallivanting about at night!"

I would just have gone with him. There wouldn't have been time to get a license. Of course I couldn't though on account of the play." Jean gasped again. If it hadn't been for the play this astounding young person before her would have gone gallivanting off with one man to whom she was not married to the bedside, thousands of miles away, of another man to whom she was also not married.