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But they ain't got the ice cream I reckon the freezer was too heavy." "That at least is something to be thankful for," the doctor said, "there would probably have been consequences had they secured both the cherry pie and the ice cream." "And the table looking so stylish," Sarah mourned, "with the flowers and all the fixings. Where's that plate o' chicken gone? I ask you that!"

For some distance it was easy to see which way the ice cream freezer had been carried, for there were the marks of the dripping water. Then these stopped about the middle of the sidewalk, and seemed to go over in the grass. "We can't see 'em now," spoke Charley. "That's too bad." "Well, we'll keep on this way in a straight line," suggested Bert.

Fill the centre with one half the recipe for Biscuit Glace mixture, that has been packed in a freezer until icy cold. Put on the lid, bind the edge with a piece of muslin dipped in paraffin or suet, cover the mold with salt and ice, and stand aside three hours to freeze. This will serve twelve persons.

The unspeakable idiot, to send me a wire worded like that! No wonder Clara J. was sitting on the ice cream freezer! Of course it only meant that Bunch's sister and her daughter were coming out to look at their property, but suffering mackerel! what an eye Clara J. was giving me! "And who are the two queens?" she queried, bitterly. My face grew redder and redder.

Millie du Gass and maid, also Felix G. Auchinloss, were registered at the Waldorf. All that day there wound into Lilly's room the aroma of fowl simmering in their juices, the quick hither and thither of feet down the hallway, and later the whirring of an ice-cream freezer and the quick fork-and-china click of egg whites in the beating.

"But never mind, we scared them before they had a chance to eat much." "I 'clar t' goodness sakes alive!" gasped Dinah, when she saw the ice cream freezer carried into her kitchen, "yo' am suttinly a smart boy, Massa Bert dat's what yo' suah am!" "Oh, well, the others helped me find it," said Bert, modestly. As Dinah and Mrs. Bobbsey were dishing out the cream, the colored cook uttered a cry.

"But never mind, we scared them before they had a chance to eat much." "I 'clar t' goodness sakes alive!" gasped Dinah, when she saw the ice cream freezer carried into her kitchen, "yo' am suttinly a smart boy, Massa Bert dat's what yo' suah am!" "Oh, well, the others helped me find it," said Bert, modestly. As Dinah and Mrs. Bobbsey were dishing out the cream, the colored cook uttered a cry.

Now although the somnolent Ras had been shuffling drowsily about a fresh fire with no apparent aim, he presently contrived to produce a roasted chicken, fresh cucumbers, some caviare and rolls, coffee and cheese and a small freezer of ice cream, all of which he appeared to take at intervals from under the seat of the hay-cart. "Ice cream and caviare!" exclaimed the girl aghast. "That's treason."

Stir yolks of eggs until thick and add sugar and stir again; add whipped cream, and whipped whites of eggs, and grated macaroons; flavor to taste. Put this all into freezer and pack outside with ice and salt alternately. Do not turn. Let stand five or six hours, adding ice from time to time. When serving put grated macaroons on top. BISCUIT TORTONI, No. 2

Bert put the button carefully away, and the party guests were soon eating their ice cream, and discussing the disappearance of the freezer and the finding of it by the boys. Then with the playing of more games, and the singing of songs, the affair came to a close, and good-nights were said. "We've had a lovely time!" said the boys and girls to Flossie and Freddie, as they left.