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Four days later, the egg-laying period over, the female, stupid and almost gone, a fine male emerged, and the following day another. I placed some of the sand from the bottom of the box on a brush tray, and put these two cases on it, and set a focused camera in readiness, so that I got a side view of a moth just as it emerged, and one facing front when about ready to cling for wing expansion.

The silence that ensued bore with it all the weight of a mother's love, hope, and fear for her sons. We said good-bye and rode to the city. "I mean, I have to lead my own life," I thought, and focused on my parents' shortcomings to offset pangs of guilt. Manhattan's ivy-league citadel of the intellect seemed an unlikely spot for people to be led beyond thought.

People were at last recognizing the folly of using the multiplying public offices for party spoils. The quarrel between Congress and President Johnson over removals, and the Tenure of Office Act, focused popular attention on the constitutional question of appointment and removal, and the recklessness of the political manager during Grant's two terms disgusted the thoughtful citizen.

Also several of the city's fire department searchlights were focused around the burning structure, and when it became evident that an airship was going to land though as yet none guessed whose it was the searchlights were turned on the vacant spot and Tom was able to make a good landing, his own powerful searchlight giving effective aid.

Fear, which within her was always latent, always too ready to influence her by masquerading as caution, stirred now. For almost an hour she stood, balancing her field glasses across her saddle, eyes focused on the open cabin door. Nothing stirred there. At last, with a slight shiver, she opened her saddle bags and drew out the dress she meant to wear a dingy, earth-colored thing of gingham.

While our attention has been focused on the military drama enacted before our eyes and recorded in the newspapers, another drama, unpremeditated but of vastly greater significance, is unfolding itself behind the stage. Never in the history of the world were generals and admirals, statesmen and politicians so sensitive to or concerned about public opinion as they are today.

Not really shadow where he sat, but the rim around him, below him, and curving away from him, had disappeared in its brief nightside, and there came Hot Rod again. Carefully he tracked it; then putting his eye to the scope he focused briefly on one of the high-pressure supporting tubes that formed the rigid structure from which the aiming mirror was held in place. And fired.

The thing crawled out of the shallows, its eyes focused in a blind stare on the praying hands of the Wyvern. She halted, well up on the sand, when the body of her victim or prisoner Shann was certain that the fork-tail was one or the other was completely out of the water. Then, with lightning speed, she dropped her hands. Instantly fork-tail came to life. Fanged jaws snapped.

Returning senators and congressmen were surprised when greeted with great golden banners reading: RUSSIA AND ENGLAND ARE ENFRANCHISING THEIR WOMEN IN WAR-TIME. HOW LONG MUST AMERICAN WOMEN WAIT FOR THEIR LIBERTY The last desperate flurries in the pro-war and anti-war camps were focused on the Capitol grounds that day.

If the chapel had been stormed by Comanches there couldn't have been more of a commotion. A thousand pairs of eyes focused themselves on the grill. It sagged in and then disappeared with a crash. The towsled head of Hogboom came out of the opening. "I'll fix you for that, Tad Perkins!" he yelled. "I'll get even with you if it takes me the rest of my life. I ain't engaged to any Weeping Water girl.