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The young people have put their heads together, and have talked over the flinty-hearted parents; and some bright morning, when the father and mother have been in a good temper, the order for the trousseau has been given, the bridesmaids have received notice, and in six weeks the whole business was over, And the old people rather glad to have got rid of a love-sick damsel and her attendant swain.

The address given for India was "Bombay Club." Miss Euphrosyne gazed up at the stony lineaments of Professor Delande, her marble-browed and flinty-hearted sire, locked in the cold chill of a steel engraving. He was as neutral as the busts of Buffon, Cuvier, Laplace, Humboldt, and Pestalozzi, which coldly furnished forth her sanctum. She thought of the eloquent eyed young Major and sadly sighed.

Suddenly he closed it, tossed it aside, and leaning forward, possessed himself of her hand. "Madam, sweet cousin, divinest Patricia," he exclaimed in a carefully impassioned tone; "do you not know that I am your slave, the captive of your bow and spear, that I adore you? I adore you! and you, flinty-hearted goddess, give no word of encouragement to your prostrate worshiper.

The Connistons of Darlington were his uncle and aunt, and his uncle was a more or less prominent figure in ship-building interests on the Clyde. With these people the three himself, Mary Josephine, and his brother Egbert had lived, "farmed out" to a hard-necked, flinty-hearted pair of relatives because of a brother's stipulation and a certain English law.

Then, to Agatha's indescribable indignation, there came another sort of crackle a dry, grating, derisive chuckle from that flinty-hearted old man, her grandfather. "Good, monstrous good, 'pon my life!" said he. "You're laughing at me!" she cried, leaping up. "Well, my dear, I'm afraid I am." "Oh, how cruel men are!" "H'm! They're both men of spirit evidently." "Calder I can just understand.

The woman had stretched herself out so that her body was in front of the half-caste's pony, her infant in front of that of the Ruby King. Saya Chone's pony was more merciful than the flinty-hearted wretch who bestrode it. It started back, reared, shied, refused absolutely to step forward upon the unhappy woman. The Ruby King uttered a brutal laugh, and urged his own animal on.

There will be two four-wheelers here after yere dinner, and ye'll find the Royal Victoria Hotel suited to ye both, at St. Heliers. If ye choose to go, the morning boat takes ye to Granville. Bring the maid here now! Do you linger, woman? I'll be obeyed and forthwith!" With flashing eyes, Justine Delande sprang up, facing the flinty-hearted old Scotsman. "I will never abandon Nadine here!

"Now, the only gold that I see before me is to be had by gentlemanly blackmail! Right here between old Hugh Johnstone and this flinty-hearted woman avenger lies my fortune. And I swear that nothing shall stop me! I will be the prompter of the little play now ready for a first rehearsal!"

You order the bill, but your waiter cannot bring your bill yet, because he is bringing, instead, three flinty-hearted potatoes and two grim head of broccoli, like the occasional ornaments on area railings, badly boiled.

As to Mrs Boffin, said Mr Boffin lowering his voice, 'she mightn't wish it mentioned now she's Fashionable, but she went so far as to tell him, in my presence, he was a flinty-hearted rascal. Mr Lightwood murmured 'Vigorous Saxon spirit Mrs Boffin's ancestors bowmen Agincourt and Cressy.