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"What, Miss Granger," he said, "should a man say to a lady who but last night saved his life, at the risk, indeed almost at the cost, of her own?" "It was nothing," she answered, colouring; "I clung to you, that was all, more by instinct than from any motive. I think I had a vague idea that you might float and support me." "Miss Granger, the occasion is too serious for polite fibs.

Stone, while I tell you this. The fake mejum that Miss Ames went to see yesterday afternoon, was none other than friend Hanlon himself!" "What? Fibs, are you sure?" "Sure as shootin'! I spotted him the minute he came up to Mrs, Embury's. I didn't reckernize him at first as the whiskered Moses, but I did later. You know, Mr.

There was a peculiar, throaty quality in her voice, like a muted violin or 'cello. "Don't be so frightened, please, for I'm not going to stay long, really. I'm merely the sort of woman who can't stay over night anywhere without a lot of baggage." "It it wasn't that," he murmured. "Yes, it was. You don't need to tell me polite fibs, you know. How far are we from the house?"

"I esteem Adolphe: for, after some few fibs, he frankly confessed his position, and, without humiliating himself too deeply, he promised that I should be happy. He hopes, like numerous other ordinary men, to obtain some place, that of an assistant librarian, for instance, or the pecuniary management of a newspaper. Who knows but we may get him elected deputy for Viviers, in the course of time?

At all events they are capable of such astonishing feats that if you merely relate the truth about them you will be sure to get credit in England for telling fibs like poor Mungo Park, who was laughed at all his life for a notorious drawer of the long-bow, although there never was a more truthful man."

Croustillac said to him, "Father, I have told these gentlemen that we are accused, we Gascons, of telling fibs, but is what they say of Blue Beard the truth?" The face of Father Griffen, ordinarily placid and joyful, took on a darker hue at once, and he replied gravely to the adventurer, "My son, never breathe the name of this woman." "But, Father, is it true?

You never told fibs except the two or three dozen a week that mere politeness required and which you never thought of counting; but you never told me the truth, Marian, because you never told your self the truth. You told me what you told yourself, I grant you; and so you were not conscious of deceit. I dont reproach you.

A suggestion that she retained that lustrous crown of hair just to please her papa, whereas one who had not been told might have been mistaken in his belief that this should be one of her greatest prides. Two little fibs for Miss Gloria; yet, certainly, very small fibs which hurt no one.

I write this in the utmost haste; for whenas I am sending you so kindly a letter from my Lord, what needs a longer letter of mine? Farewell then, glory of Roman eloquence, boast of your friends, magnifico, most delightful man, most distinguished consul, master most sweet. 'After this you will take care not to tell so many fibs of me, especially in the Senate. A monstrous fine speech this is!

The great Victor Hugo and the authors of that noble drama "The Two Orphans," are my authorities for the statement that some fibs not all fibs, but some proper fibs are entered in heaven on both debit and credit sides of the book of fate. There hasn't been one written since that has crossed the boundary of its scope.