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Updated: August 14, 2024

Mason! he ses, 'this is an old man speak to those fellows! But feyther wouldn't. 'Let 'em trounce tha! he ses 'aye, an him too! It'ull do tha noa harm. Well, an what did he say, Mr. Helbeck? I'd like to know." "Say? Nothing except that it was a long way, and I might have the pony carriage." Laura's tone was rather dry.

The powerful scarred face had the tremulous helplessness of grief. Dora took her by the arm. 'Let us run, Sarah at once. Oh, never mind the work! The two women hurried through the crowded Saturday streets. But halfway up Market Street Sarah stopped short, looking round her in an agony. 'Theer's his feyther, Miss Dora. Oh, he wor a bad 'un to me, but he had allus a soft spot for t' lad.

So that excuse would not do. Sylvia beat her brains for another. 'Writing cramps my hand so, I can't do any sewing for a day after; and feyther wants his shirts very bad. 'But, Sylvia, I'll teach you geography, and ever such a vast o' fine things about t' countries, on t' map. 'Is t' Arctic seas down on t' map? she asked, in a tone of greater interest. 'Yes!

'Wal, now, I'm real glad to heer yo say sich things, Davy, lad, said Reuben, with a curious flutter of manner. 'I'm real glad. So yo take to the farmin, Davy? Wal, it's nateral. All yor forbears all on em leastways, nobbut yor feyther got their livin off t' land. It cooms nateral to a Grieve. The boy made no answer did not commit himself in any way. He went on absently throwing stones.

Thee think'st nothing too much to do for Seth: thee snapp'st me up if iver I find faut wi' th' lad. But thee't so angered wi' thy feyther, more nor wi' anybody else." "That's better than speaking soft and letting things go the wrong way, I reckon, isn't it? If I wasn't sharp with him he'd sell every bit o' stuff i' th' yard and spend it on drink.

I know that feyther, both before and after his removal to Lunnon, used to make us all drink the ''Ard ware of Old Hingland' by witch," she proceeded, correcting herself by a reproving glance from the sheriff "by witch he meant what he called the glorious sinews of the country at large, lestwise in the manufacturing districts.

She was going to answer her husband meekly and literally according to her wont, but Sylvia, already detecting the increased cheerfulness of his tone, called out from behind her mother 'I am, feyther. I'm going for to sell my new cloak as I bought Thursday, for the mending on your old coats and waistcoats. 'Hearken till her, said Daniel, chuckling. 'She's a true wench.

"Noa, lass; oi think as t' maister be only stunned, and Bill ha' fainted from loss o' blood. But oi doan't know how bad he be hurted yet. We had best carry 'em back to t' house; we can't see to do nowt here." "Best let them stay here, feyther, till we can stop the bleeding. Moving would set the wounds off worse." "Perhaps you are right, Polly.

"Nay," says I gathering up the viands, "here's my breakfast." "Is it?" says he, gaping. "It is! Would ye deny it?" "Not for a moment!" says he, eyeing my staff and the gleaming knife in my belt. "Lordy, no! Only how was I to know 'twere yourn, master when my darter cut it for her very own feyther " "We live and we learn!" says I, turning away. "What might your name be?"

Now, as I think I 've 'inted afore, my feyther vere a nat'rally bold, courage-ful cove, so 'e took a look at the murderous vepping, an' nodded. 'It's a pistol, ain't it? sez 'e.

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