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Nor was his reply quite according to formula. "I don't mind if I do, Cal," he accepted fervidly, "Thank God . . . I don't mind if I do!" Arm in arm, they recrossed to the white-columned house. And they kept close, each to the other, throughout the hours of suspense that followed, finding a potent though unconfessed reassurance in such companionship.

Mark had never seen such eyebrows, and he wondered whatever grandfather's moustache would be like if it were allowed to grow. "He's a dear," said Mrs. Lidderdale fervidly. "And now, sweetheart, if you really intend to dress yourself run along, because Mother wants to sleep a little longer if she can."

He was of opinion that a new and more glorious era would open for learning when men should begin to look for their commentaries on the ancient writers in the remains of cities and temples, nay, in the paths of the rivers, and on the face of the valleys and the mountains." "Ah!" said Bardo, fervidly, "your father, then, was not a common man. Was he fortunate, may I ask? Had he many friends?"

"Thank God, we are out of that!" exclaimed Stover, fervidly, and Dan uttered a hearty Amen. "I think the fust thing we want to do is to git sumthin' to eat," remarked Stover, after they had rested for a bit. "I'm that hungry I could eat most anything." "I don't know this location at all, Poke. Where are we?" "Not many miles from the Gonzales road, lad. About a mile back is Nat Woodver's cabin.

I often think I can still hear their fervidly devotional hymn of the sanctus Heilig! heilig! heilig! Holy of holies; and the tears would start into my eyes. At ten o'clock the women used to withdraw, and we entered to hear mass.

All else is heresy. They have been told this so many times that they not only believe it, just as Cecille Manners once believed, utterly, fervidly, but they derive therefrom an ardent satisfaction. This might seem strange, but it is stranger far that they never look about them, just for a moment, at life itself just for a moment, just long enough to wonder. But they do not.

As he shook hands with Luther, he was so hearty that the old man took his guest by the shoulders and declared fervidly that he was rejoiced that he had come. Weston did not glare at Perry Thomas, nor at me either. We but added to his pleasure. Truly his cup of joy was overflowing! And the famine in India indeed indeed! The subject was one which interested him deeply, and if Mr.

Jesus Christ is one, and so his Church must also remain. The only question is, What the Saviour still is to you Protestants, what he is to you, my friend?" "Before how many saints, and many another whom your Church desires to honour, do you bow the knee?" Erasmus fervidly answered; "but we do so only to the august Trinity. And do you wish to know what Jesus Christ, the Son, is to me?

But at that moment Hiram Jackson, who knew everything and was fervidly anxious to be the earliest herald, came stammering out his eagerness to tell. "Say, Miss Letty. Say! you can't have no auction. You won't have no auctioneer. Old Blaisdell's wife's sister's dead, down to East Branch, an' he's gone." Miss Letty, breathless, looked at the cap'n. "Well, there!" she said.

"You don't understand these things, Miss Deleah. You don't realise that what I have done means much." "Oh, but I do, Mr. Gibbon! I have always thought that you must be a quite wonderful business man; so quiet, so regular, thinking of nothing but your work." "I do think of other things," he said fervidly. "I want to get on. I want to improve myself, and my position. There's an end I'm working for.