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"Is not that Ballochgray Castle?" said Marion, at last "that fearfu place whar the Baron of Ballochgray haulds his court with the Evil One, on every Halloween night, when the bleak muirs are rife with the bad spirits o' the earth and air. Whar drives the man, Geordie? Oh, tell him to turn awa frae thae auld turrets and skreeching owls.

He paused, for a feeling betwixt sorrow and strong resentment choked his utterance. "And wi' that man? that fearfu' man?" said Jeanie. "And she has left us to gang aff wi' him? O Effie, Effie, wha could hae thought it, after sic a deliverance as you had been gifted wi'!" "She went out from us, my bairn, because she was not of us," replied David.

"MacCallum, ye limb of Beelzebub," said the fearfu' Sir Robert, "bring Steenie the pipes that I am keeping for him!" MacCallum brought a pair of pipes might have served the piper of Donald of the Isles.

Contractin's a fearfu' uncertain business; fearfu' uncertain." The old man shook his head slowly. "Any heirs?" asked Bruce. "Heirs? To the partners? Yes, one. A girl, noo. Ye'll be kenin' the lass thet helps in the boardin' shack where you and the bosses eat?" "La Vaune?" grinned Barney, poking Bruce in the ribs. "Do you know her?"

Caxon's countenance fell. "Na, sir, and the winds hae been high, and this is a fearfu' coast to cruise on in thae eastern gales, the headlands rin sae far out, that a veshel's embayed afore I could sharp a razor; and then there's nae harbour or city of refuge on our coast a' craigs and breakers; a veshel that rins ashore wi' us flees asunder like the powther when I shake the pluff and it's as ill to gather ony o't again.

But the captain would have none of the precautions he urged; declared he would walk the deck as usual, and vowed he could cope single-handed with a dozen cowards like Maxwell. "John Paul," said MacMuir, with admiration in his voice and gesture, "John Paul wasna feart a pickle, but gaed to the mast, whyles I stannt chittering i' my claes, fearfu' for his life.

But the captain would have none of the precautions he urged; declared he would walk the deck as usual, and vowed he could cope single-handed with a dozen cowards like Maxwell. "John Paul," said MacMuir, with admiration in his voice and gesture, "John Paul wasna feart a pickle, but gaed to the mast, whyles I stannt chittering i' my claes, fearfu' for his life.

"Yon's a fearfu' buddy ye've got in yer shanty doon yonder, Sandy," she began solemnly. "Ah'd no let him sleep there anither nicht." Her brother was busy distributing the fried pork around the table, a performance at which he was an adept.

O that weary and fearfu' night! will it never gang out o' my auld head! Eh! to see her lying on the floor wi' her lang hair dreeping wi' the salt water! Heaven will avenge on a' that had to do wi't. Sirs! is my son out wi' the coble this windy e'en?" "Na, na, mither nae coble can keep the sea this wind; he's sleeping in his bed out-ower yonder ahint the hallan." "Is Steenie out at sea then?"

All was ready, the room crowded full, and the Board of Trustees not yet arrived. The minutes lengthened out into quarter of an hour, half an hour. Anxiously Bel consulted with her father what should be done. "The roads are something fearfu', child," he replied; "we must make big allowance for that. They're sure to be comin', at least some one o' them.