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Having thus tactfully interfered for the preservation of her property, Persis cast a swiftly appraising glance at the chair her caller had vacated. "Front rung sprung just as I expected," was her unspoken comment. "It's a wonder that Etta West don't use more discretion about furniture." Mrs.

All the repression of past ages was breaking into revolt. "He will go home and feed on the leaven of Pharisees and hypocrites, and later he will marry a girl of his world, and the world that will give him welcome will keep Etta in her hell. I wonder sometimes that God doesn't give us up we who call ourselves clean and good! We are a lot of cowards, most of us women, of 'fraid-cats and cowards!"

You have conveyed to me and to the world at large the impression that I had merely to speak in order to obtain your hand." "I doubt," said Etta, "whether the world at large is so deeply interested in the matter as you appear to imagine. I am sorry that I have gone too far, but I reserve to myself the right of retracing my footsteps wherever and whenever I please.

It's just as nice! there's Miss Etta, and Bertie and Gretchen and Cora, and two or three more, and on Wednesday Miss Eunice invites our class and hers to tea, and reads to us, and we have a society and work for missions and oh, it's so nice!" said enthusiastic Katie. "Do you go to Sunday-school just to have nice times?" and Tessa opened her black eyes very widely.

"I should like Mme. la Comtesse to invite the whole Osterno party to dine, and sleep, perhaps, if one may suggest it." Catrina wanted this too. She wanted to torture herself with the sight of Etta, beautiful, self-confident, carelessly cognizant of Paul's love.

"He gave me two dollars. I nearly didn't get him. I lost my nerve and told him I was good and was only starting because I needed money." "Never whine," said Susan. "It's no use. Take what comes, and wait for a winning hand." Etta looked at her in a puzzled way. "How queer you talk! Not a bit like yourself. You sound so much older. . . . And your eyes they don't look natural at all."

Anyhow, since it would help her with Gulick and wouldn't do Lorna the least mite of harm, why not let him think he was right? Said Susan: "Hasn't he been talking to you about getting away from from all this?" "But I don't care," cried Etta, moved to an outburst of frankness by her sense of security in Susan's loyalty and generosity. "He doesn't understand. Men are fools about women.

'But you will be back soon? for I could not bear him to leave us alone. 'To-morrow morning. I will take the night train up, but I shall be detained in London. Take care of Gladys for me, Miss Garston. Do not tell her more than you think necessary. Do not let Etta see her, if you can help it; but I know you will act for the best. Then, as he looked at me, his face softened for a moment.

"You haven't been?" inquired Etta. "No," said Susan. "Dan Cassatt and Kate told me about those places," Etta went on. "Kate says they're fine and the girls make fifty and sometimes a hundred dollars a week, and have everything servants to wait on them, good food, bathrooms, lovely clothes, and can drive out. But I I think I'd stay in the house." "I want to be my own boss," said Susan.

"It is rather far from anywhere," acceded Etta, who was not attending, although she appeared to be interested. "Far! Princess, I often wonder how Paris and Thors can be in the same world! Before our our troubles we used to live in Paris a portion of the year. At least I did, while my poor husband travelled about. He had a hobby, you know, poor man! Humanity was his hobby.